7:00 PM
7:00 PM
- Mike Summitt called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. In attendance were Mike Summitt, Sue Ann Goldman, Steve Yandl, Bill Malowney, Betty Malowney, Tim Rizzo, John Patterson, Jennifer Stout, and Kathi Donald.
- Sue Ann Goldman made a motion to accept the minutes of the April 9, 2003 and Bill Malowney seconded. Motion was carried 6-0.
- Kathi Donald summarized proposed expenses to put together July 4th event. Events will include dunk tank, bounce house, snow-cones, parade, barbecue, and children’s games. The committee is investigating hiring a firefighter who prepares and launches fireworks. Concerns were expressed over safety, insurance and regulatory issues regarding the fireworks. Bill Malowney wants to be contacted by the individual doing the fireworks so he can check out the insurance issues. Kathi estimated total costs at $700. Money collected from those attending will be used to offset (“repay”) the amount drawn from association funds but the Events committee should not feel under pressure to recover all or any of the approved funding.
- Steve Yandl made a motion to approve expenditure of up to $700 by the Events Committee. Bill Malowney seconded the motion. Sue Ann Goldman initiated a discussion to amend the motion and allow a higher limit. It was decided that $700 would remain as the basic limit but that Sue Ann Goldman and / or Steve Yandl could work with Kathi Donald and raise the limit (based on actual expenses) without the need of a new board action, but by gaining board consensus using phone or email. The motion was carried 6-0.
- Sue Ann Goldman reported that we have $37,165 in checking. She summarized recent expenditures.
- The $17,000+ for fence maintenance that will come partially due in July will be paid out of funds currently being held in certificates of deposit.
- We asked Tim Rizzo to work with Sue Ann to find and hire a CPA to do the annual audit required by state law. The board believes that using a review rather than an audit would be sufficient for our needs and save money but this would require a 67% majority of all homeowners for approval. In the interim, we will use the audit as required by law.
- Bill Malowney reported that the Clearview Project team still agrees to place landscaping around concrete bunkers on Sno-Cascade as well as reimburse us to have Skinner repair sprinklers damaged by their work.
- Costs for treating detention ponds with larvacide appears to be higher than makes sense since the ponds are such a small percentage of the standing water in our area and treatment would offer negligible decrease in risk.
- Eagle scout project to add picnic table(s) and concrete pad at ballpark is still on with anticipated costs of $650
- Fence project is on target, washing is near complete. It is hoped that the entire job will be done by June 30. Minimal repairs have been necessary. There was one disagreement regarding the use of water from specific homeowners. Bill has purchased a special valve for $70 that will give the contractor (and our association) access to the common area water supply, thus reducing the chance of future misunderstandings with individual homeowners.
- A young resident cleaned the boat park toy as his community service project for the LDS church. This was very labor intensive and the end result was excellent. A suggestion was made that we drill out holes and polish the edges in those locations where burn holes were made in the plastic bubbles to eliminate any safety issues with small children.
- Bill wants to defer further upgrades to the entry area near the fire station on 67th and include those costs in the 2004 budget.
- We need to add 6” of additional wood chip depth around the play area toys to satisfy the requirements of our insurance company.
- Mike Summitt reported that we continue with a high degree of compliance.
- Sue Ann Goldman’s inquiry was answered regarding the Snap-On tools trailer and truck in the driveway of lot 54 Phase 1. The owner has been informed of the restriction and agreed to comply by erecting a fence. He is being given a bit of extra time to allow completion of some other projects first.
- Sue Ann Goldman inquired about the association placing Caution Children signs and Mike stated that individual parents could put small signs out while children were playing.
- Steve Yandl reported on the results of the mail in ballot election conducted in May. There were 175 ballots ( 71% of eligible homeowners ) sent in which was sufficient for a quorum. Standings were as listed below.
- Steve Yandl
- Sue Ann Goldman
- Bill Malowney
- Mike Summitt
- Jennifer Stout
- Betty Malowney
- Tim Rizzo
- John Patterson
- Cibyl Kumagai
- John Schenk
- Bill Malowney announced his intention to resign from the board but retain his job on the Grounds and Maintenance Committee.
- Mike Summitt announced that he is moving in July and needed to withdraw his name.
- In light of Mike’s imminent departure, Bill agreed to withdraw his resignation.
- After the announcements and resultant shuffle, the new board of directors for the next year are as listed below.
- Sue Ann Goldman
- Betty Malowney
- Bill Malowney
- John Patterson
- Tim Rizzo
- Jennifer Stout
- Steve Yandl
- Bill Malowney made a motion to nominate Tim Rizzo for President, Jennifer Stout for Vice President, Steve Yandl for Secretary and Sue Ann Goldman as Treasurer. Steve Yandl seconded the motion. After a brief discussion, the vote was 6-0 in favor of the listed individuals.
- Betty Malowney agreed to serve as Assistant Secretary.
- Tim Rizzo, President
- Jennifer Stout, Vice President
- Steve Yandl, Secretary
- Sue Ann Goldman, Treasurer
- Bill Malowney, Director and Chair of Grounds and Maintenance committee.
- Mike Summitt reported that the Post Office would like the covers removed. Many owners agree although it isn’t universal.
- Mike reported that the latest contractor that he located can remove and properly dispose of the wood for $100 per unit ( 29 kiosks ).
- There was sufficient interest so that Mike will request a written proposal from the contractor.
- John Patterson informed the group of a bad street light at the boat park. Sue Ann Goldman will be calling the PUD to let them know.
- Bill Malowney asked Jennifer Stout to inform the Events Committee that the new valve appliance he got for the association will allow access to the water supply at the baseball field / boat park.
- John Patterson informed the group that the maintenance we’ve contracted for on the horse trail east of 72nd is not sufficient to keep the trail passable. The blackberry vines quickly encroach on the trail and many owners appear to be tossing sod and other yard debris into the trail. John was asked to ascertain which lot numbers were the probable source of the debris.
- The group was reminded of the upcoming meeting where the county is accepting input regarding the use of approximately 300 acres in the Cathcart landfill property that is not already spoken for to be part of the park or the various developments already started. Cibyl Kumagai will be attending so we will inform her of the board’s preference that the property be used for schools or left as natural area.
- At 8:55 pm, Bill Malowney moved that we adjourn.
- Steve Yandl seconded, vote was unainimous.