7:00 PM
7:00 PM
- Tim Rizzo called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. In attendance were Tim Rizzo, Jennifer Stout, Sue Ann Goldman, Steve Yandl, John Patterson, Bill Malowney, Betty Malowney, and Mike Summitt.
- Steve Yandl presented the minutes from the June 11, 2003 meeting. Sue Ann Goldman requested a correction to add Bill Malowney to the list of persons on the new signature card at the bank. John Patterson made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected, Sue Ann Goldman seconded. Motion was carried 7-0.
- Steve Yandl requested verification of the telephone vote to remove the wood kiosks over each of the neighborhood’s secure mail boxes. Bill Malowney had contacted the contractor as per the decision at the June meeting. To get the work initiated, Bill conducted a vote by phone with all board members participating except Sue Ann Goldman who was out of town. This was enough votes for a quorum and the decision was 6-0 in favor of having the contractor do the work. All directors confirmed their vote.
- Sue Ann Goldman presented a balance sheet, profit and loss budget performance sheet, trial balance sheet, and profit and loss comparison to previous year. Reports to be included as part of these minutes.
- Tim Rizzo suggested renaming CDs in our reserve fund to reflect renewal dates and facilitate review of reports. Sue Ann responded that this is now possible since or lapsed corporate registration has now been repaired and the bank will offer more flexibility in naming of the accounts.
- In summary, we show $37,606 in checking and $50,654 in CDs. There is under $10 owed for the current year (late fees on annual and special assessments).
- The special assessment was sufficient to cover the fence maintenance/painting which is paid in full.
- Sue Ann Goldman requested that budget requests from committees be submitted at the September meeting.
- Bill Malowney is going to estimate fence and other maintenance costs of a non-recurrent nature to allow doing a capital expense (reserve fund) analysis. It is recognized that we need to prepare a schedule of these major expenses and budget for adequate reserves to handle these without the need for special assessments. Tim Rizzo will check with his contacts on detention pond cleaning costs and Steve Yandl will get a separate estimate from Leavitt companies on the detention pond cleaning. This budget information will also be presented at the September meeting.
- Tim Rizzo has written to Jacobson Jarvis & Co, PLLC and is waiting for their letter. They will do our audit. The cost of an annual audit should be a budget item from this point on.
- Tim Rizzo raised the possibility of compensation for Sue Ann in consideration for the extra work that will be required to respond to the auditor’s requirements. Sue Ann declined but requests that other board members help with Treasurer’s duties when she finds she requires extra assistance.
- Mike Summitt turned over his records along with three letters pending approval of the Architectural Control Committee.
- Issue presented where the Patricia Angeloff home had a bright yellow paint color previously rejected by Leavitt. Several years later, the home was painted using the disapproved color, this time without requesting permission.
- John Patterson summarized his fence plan that has been rejected by the Architectural Control Committee. He and Jan Corbally are requesting that the board review the ACC decision and grant a variance for their fence. After discussion, Steve Yandl made a motion that the variance be granted. Sue Ann Goldman seconded the motion. The vote was 6-0 in favor of granting the variance with John Patterson abstaining because of conflict of interest. The variance as presented to the ACC is granted for a 6 month period.
- There was a discussion of who should take over as chairperson of the CC&R committee / Architectural Control Committee. Bill Malowney nominated John Patterson who accepted the nomination. Steve Yandl seconded the nomination. The vote was 7-0 in favor. John Patterson takes over the position immediately.
- Steve Yandl will put an article in the next newsletter to remind owners of the procedure to get approval for changes on a lot.
- Clearview Project landscapers will be doing work around the vaults on Snohomish Cascade Drive in the August – October time frame. Bill will try to keep Brian Skinner posted on schedule and choice of plantings.
- Eagle Scout project for picnic tables has slowed down. The scout leaders are placing some significant requirements on him but he is putting in a great deal of effort to get the job done soon.
- Fence project was completed under budget. Remaining funds are being used to add bark mulch along fence.
- Insurance company required additional depth of bark chips in play areas which has been done.
- Sprinkler frequency and repair is up due to unusually hot and dry summer.
- Mail box kiosk cover removal complete with an excellent job by the contractor.
- There is a need to start obtaining insurance verification and a $500 deposit from groups wanting to reserve our common area baseball field. Requirements must be met before any usage of the field. Bill Malowney is preparing a check list that Nancy Popham can use when setting up reservations so we can insure requirements are always satisfied. We will be requiring that outside groups haul their own trash. We will require a minimum of $1M coverage with Sector 2A at Snohomish Cascade listed as named insured. Board will review / revise and vote on new requirements at the September meeting.
- Bill has lined up an individual to use the remaining wood on the bark covered trail (off of 156th) to extend the edging as far as the wood will go.
- Bill will investigate the cost of removing the weeds coming up through the spacers in the sidewalks.
- New business on the agenda was all discussed during the report sessions.
- Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 10, at 7:00pm at Steve Yandl’s.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.