7:00 PM
7:00 PM
- Tim Rizzo called the meeting to order at 7:16 pm. In attendance were Tim Rizzo, Jen Stout, Sue Ann Goldman, John Patterson, Bill Malowney, Betty Malowney, and Steve Yandl.
- Steve Yandl presented the minutes from the December board meeting. John Patterson moved to accept the minutes, Sue Ann Goldman seconded. Motion was carried 7 – 0.
- John Patterson reported that the owners of lot 3-0-117 have not yet responded to his final “ultimatum” letter. If this deadline is not met, John will contact the attorney.
- John has received an inquiry regarding an exposed satellite dish at lot 1-0-004. There is a record of Mike Summitt asking the owners to request a variance from Leavitt but no record that such a variance was granted. John may ask the owners to produce a copy of any variance letter they received in the past.
- Lot 1-0-034 is operating a business (vending machine) for which he was granted a variance by Leavitt. A review of the variance documents indicates that the request was based on consideration of two Cosco deliveries per week. There are currently several company vehicles regularly parked on the lot and far more than two deliveries per week. If neighbors adjacent to this lot complain or if it appears the level of business activity becomes a detractor from overall neighborhood quality, the CC&R committee may review the variance and if warranted, demand that the business activity be no greater than what was initially approved.
- All board members expressed support for sending CC&R violation letters to members who leave trash and recycle receptacles in open view on non garbage days. There is no need to do a weekly inspection like Mike Summitt was doing but the type of polite reminders John is sending out should not offend anyone who forgets a few times or those who need to be educated on what the covenants say.
- Bill Malowney reported that the scout project hit a snag logistically that may make it difficult to lay the concrete pad. We will be looking at gravel instead. Tim Rizzo will make an inquiry at Cadman to see if we can get several yards of 3/8 minus gravel at low cost or free and have it dropped at the park. Tim will contact Bill before Bill spends association funds to acquire gravel for the project.
- Six trees required staking after the storm damage done last month. Skinner’s people were on this without needing to be contacted.
- The scouts did not place a bark layer from ground Christmas trees on the trail east of the lots on 72nd Drive. We may need to put some down and not wait until the scouts can grind more trees.
- Skinner is investigating options and costs for improving the small areas just east of Fire Station 77 to enhance the appearance of the neighborhood entrance.
- Seven shrubs need to be replaced at the boat park and sprinklers need to be added to support those shrubs in coming summers.
- County Council has approved funding for ball filed and park department offices. The engineering drawings Bill saw at the county meeting showed 72nd actually connecting to the Puget Park Drive extension which is something the Parks Department hinted would probably not happen. Further investigation on that issue is warranted; it may be that they still plan to put a gate and walking trail there.
- Sue Ann reported that earlier in the day she had spoken to Mr. Duncan regarding our audit. In addition to providing her with answers to some of her questions on report generation using QuickBooks, he assured her that the audit would be completed no later than the end of February. So far, everything has appeared in order.
- In response to a homeowner’s letter request and suggestions from Steve Yandl, Sue Ann has produced a modified version of the budget report that includes actual 2003 expenditures in addition to 2003 and 2004 budget amounts. A version of this report with some enhanced formatting will be included in the February newsletter. In future years, the treasurer will include a column with year do date expenditures through November 30 on the budget report that goes to homeowners with the annual assessment invoices. That report should be considered as part of these minutes.
- Sue Ann presented an improved set of monthly reports that should be considered as part of these minutes. In summary, we have $22,582 in checking and $30,113 in CDs. Owners seem to be paying assessments promptly. The new account for long term capital improvements has been set up as a one year CD but collections toward that account will be retained until most have been received since there is a limit to the number of deposit transactions (two in the one year period). The collections for long term capital funds are temporarily deposited in the regular checking but will be transferred as early as feasible.
- Sue Ann reminded the group that by previous board action, we are limited to using money from the long term capital fund for fence maintenance or replacement, dredging/cleaning of the two detention ponds, or replacement of playground equipment. The funds can only be utilized after board action approval for the specific expense.
- The accountant has informed Sue Ann that she should regularly close the books effective the end of the month. In addition to accounting concerns, this will allow adequate time to prepare meaningful balance and cash flow reports in advance of all board meetings.
- Steve Yandl made a motion that Sue Ann attend a day long class in QuickBooks offered by the accounting firm doing our audit (cost approximately $200). Betty Malowney seconded the motion. Motion carried 7 – 0. Tim Rizzo requested that when Sue Ann attends the class that she ask to see how she can format the profit and loss year to year comparison report so that the percentage change column appears adjacent to the dollar change and not on a different sheet. Sue Ann agreed to do so.
- Bill Malowney made a motion to accept the treasurer’s reports, Steve Yandl seconded. The motion carried 7 – 0.
- Steve Yandl presented a budget report done in Microsoft Excel for 2003/2004 including actual expenditures for the year 2003. This report with corrected data values will appear in the February newsletter.
- Steve pointed out that one advantage if Sue Ann exported some of the QuickBooks reports to Excel, those reports could be emailed to everyone several days before each meeting. This would avoid the last minute panic on report preparation and allow time for everyone to digest the numbers and formulate questions.
- With the check detail being produced monthly, we can have a review including signatures of three board members, probably Sue Ann Goldman, Steve Yandl, and Jen Stout. This will give one more set of eyes reviewing all transactions.
- Sue Ann is collecting more data and correcting the new budget report form and will have it to Steve, Friday January 16. Steve reminded everyone that it is important to meet all time commitments when submitting newsletter information to allow adequate time to put the issue together.
- Steve will be putting a small article in the newsletter asking homeowners to consider running for a board position. We need to have an election this Spring so we need to start getting others to consider joining.
- Next meeting will be at Yandl’s, 7:00 pm, Wednesday February 11. Jen will organize treats with help from Betty.