7:00 PM
7:00 PM
- Tim Rizzo called the meeting to order at 7:11 pm. In attendance were Tim Rizzo, Jen Stout, Sue Ann Goldman, John Patterson, Bill Malowney, Betty Malowney, and Steve Yandl.
- Steve Yandl presented the minutes from the January board meeting. John Patterson moved to accept the minutes. Sue Ann Goldman seconded. The motion carried 7 – 0.
- John Patterson reports that he is still waiting for a response from lot 1-0-004 regarding their exposed satellite dish. The deadline given in his letter to the owners has passed.
- The “shed” issue with lot 3-0-117 is resolved.
- John shared a letter from the Aoyama family (3-0-053) indicating that each summer they have a problem with a neighbor who throws large parties where guests park in a manner that obstructs other driveways. Steve Yandl will bring this up in the newsletter and John will respond to the owners but all agree that this is a police matter or something to be worked out between individual neighbors.
- John reported that he has done a major review of the CC&R files he has custody of and had some questions for the entire group. Issues were cleared up.
- Bill Malowney reports that the project to improve the areas adjacent to the Fire Station was done within budget and is working out very well. The trench done to route storm water is turning out to be a crucial element in maintaining the small area. Bill had checked with the county and we are allowed to improve native growth protected area adjacent to the sidewalk to eight feet back from the walk.
- John Patterson reported that there might be some large rocks available behind lot 3-0-001 that were abandoned by Gordon Reykdal during construction. If so, we may be able to utilize them to further enhance the Fire Station vicinity project.
- It was suggested that we might inquire of the PUD on the cost of adding a street light to that area for improved safety.
- Steve Yandl shared a letter from Cibyl Kumagai with two excellent suggestions. We can acquire bat houses that provide habitat for displaced bats and control mosquitoes and other bugs (plus keep the bats from nesting in houses). She also provided information on a new rubber type mulch that would work well in common play areas.
- Steve Yandl distributed a summary of historical events with dates for Sector 2A to aid in evaluating comments from the auditor.
- Sue Ann Goldman presented her reports in a new Excel format. Everyone agreed that the reports were much more informative and easier to follow than the previous formats. That set of reports should be considered part of these minutes.
- Sue Ann indicated that 137 members have paid the annual assessment and special assessment to fund the long-term capital expense fund, thus far. She plans to transfer money from checking into the CD for long-term capital on April 1, even if some payments toward the fund have not yet been received. This will assure the CD gets updated properly and that we don’t have funds locked out of the CD because of the limit on adjustments we are allowed.
- Sue Ann suggested we try to discover if someone in the neighborhood can do a CAS report and possibly work a better deal than we are getting from PostNet.
- Post dated checks have again caused Sue Ann a problem. We need to remind people next year.
- Sue Ann presented a draft copy of the auditor’s report. Final report is pending the response from attorney, Sherman Knight, confirming there is no ongoing litigation pending. The only true negative referenced year 2002, stating that we didn’t have an appropriate analysis of long term capital expenses and a separate fund to replace or repair common property. Steve Yandl pointed out that we were in the development phase in 2002 and Leavitt still had responsibility. Since we became subject to state law on homeowner associations, we have been doing things properly.
- Steve Yandl will put an article in the newsletter to let people know the audit is complete. We will offer to send a copy to anyone who furnishes a self addressed stamped envelope or comes to the registered office (Steve’s house) to pick up. Tim Rizzo made several suggestions for asking the accountant to change some category labels to make it clear to homeowners what the money was actually spent on (for example, change safety to mail box replacement, etc.)
- We discussed having Tim Rizzo do our tax for a fee again this year. Bill Malowney made a motion to have Tim do the taxes, Steve Yandl seconded. The motion carried 7 – 0.
- Jen Stout shared arrangements she has made to have a presentation by a representative from the Snohomish County Sheriff’s office next month. This will be at the time we normally would have had our next board meeting (7:00pm, Wednesday, March 10) and will be conducted at Totem Falls Elementary school. The board will have an abbreviated board meeting at 6:30pm and finish after the presentation if necessary. All members of the HOA will be invited. We will use both the March newsletter and the Block Watch notification tree to inform residents of this opportunity for questions and answers with the police.
- Jen Stout agreed to set up the grade school for the annual spring meeting for all members to be held the second Wednesday in May.
- Steve Yandl reported a conversation with our mail carrier where she indicated that a number of the “bulk” mail receptacles have broken locks or keys broken off in the lock. We need to get these repaired so all homeowners can continue to receive parcels. Sue Ann will buy some marker type stickers and we will ask the carrier to mark the problem boxes. Bill reports that he has some spare lock mechanisms but we will probably still need to hire a locksmith to access boxes where keys are broken off. Once the problem boxes are ID’d, Steve Yandl will call the post office to check on the procedure to make the repairs without violating any postal regulations.
- Steve Yandl will put a note in the next newsletter suggesting that people can contact the Snohomish post office and push for a public mail box near the fire station.
- John Patterson raised concerns about possible theft of common area picnic tables on 72nd Ave that are not anchored down. Bill indicated that for moderate expense we could chain the tables down but chain can still be cut with bolt cutters and the landscape crew needs to be able to move the tables to mow under and around them. The best solution would be to lay a concrete pad and anchor the table or a gravel pad with chains; either way the cost would be significant relative to the cost of table replacement (roughly $600). This topic will be discussed again after some time for thought.
- Steve Yandl asked Sue Ann how she plans to deal with any homeowners who have not paid by March. Sue Ann would still like to call and remind people for one final chance to pay on time but the rest of the board favors a late notice by mail because it is easier to document. This year, Sue Ann will quickly submit problem members to a lien company should they fail to respond to the initial late notice or promise a payment schedule and then fail to live up to their proposed plan.