7:00 PM WEDNESDAY June, 8, 2005
7:00 PM WEDNESDAY June, 8, 2005
- Jen Stout called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Present were Jen Stout, Bill Steenis, Steve Yandl, John Patterson, and Les Ostermeir.
- Steve Yandl asked to waive formal reading of the minutes from the May annual meeting of the Association after informing the group that there were no changes made since they were posted on the web site. There were no objections. John Patterson moved to accept the minutes, Jen Stout seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
- Amy Key couldn’t attend but she had earlier forwarded copies of all financial reports for review.
- No concerns were raised regarding the current reports but members wanted to confirm with Amy that a transfer of money designated for the long term capital improvement fund had in fact been moved to that account (certificate of deposit).
- Steve Yandl announced the final results for the election of a new Board of Directors. There were 142 ballots sent in (57.5% of members eligible to vote). There were also 23 proxies remaining in effect. Including proxy votes, the following was the final count: Amy Key (142), Betty Malowney (139), Bill Steenis (137), Jen Stout (147), John Patterson (140), Les Ostermeir (136), Steve Yandl (149). There were two write-in votes for Bob Moawad and five other individuals received a single write-in vote.
- Steve Yandl nominated Jen Stout to be President. John Patterson seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.
- Steve Yandl nominated Bill Steenis to be Vice President. John Patterson seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
- Steve Yandl agreed to continue as Secretary and moved that we keep Amy Key on as Treasurer. John Patterson seconded and it was approved unanimously.
- Steve Yandl gave the report from notes provided earlier by Bill Malowney.
- The baseball field remains in decent condition at the conclusion of the Little League baseball season.
- The concrete and other construction debris at the north end of 72nd Drive has been hauled away.
- Sprinklers have been turned on for the season. Only a few heads required replacement.
- The steps to the boat toy at the “tot park” portion of the ball field were checked out by Bill. A repair was made to one and Bill removed a step which is in the process of being repaired by Bill at his home. He put tape on the toy to restrict access. John Patterson reported that he already had reset the tape earlier in the day.
- Copies of Brian Skinner’s proposed contract were distributed so they could be reviewed prior to the next meeting. The addendum regarding a possible fuel surcharge was briefly discussed. It was decided that we should ask Brian for: a) a reference station or web site that could be used as the benchmark for determining current price of gas, and b) a summary of how much gas product is burned per visit or a percentage breakdown of his current bid detailing the amount budged for gas if it were at $2.00 per gallon or below.
- John Patterson indicated that he has not heard back from Tim Rizzo regarding possible help acquiring the blacktop material to pave a 6 ft portion of the gravel trail between Sno-Cascade Drive and 72nd Drive.
- Board members indicated to Les Ostermeir that the Excel format report on CC&R and ACC issues he sent out was very helpful in keeping everyone informed.
- Les responded that he had located a gravel driveway that John Patterson had reported to Les for follow-up.
- We need to follow-up to see that Betty Malowney had sent a letter regarding the home business issue for the Kaufer business and get a copy of that letter into Association records.
- Jen Stout presented some plans and ideas for a shelter structure for the Stout back yard that would have a roof made of some sort of clear plastic material. The structure would be a sort of hybrid between a sun room and a patio roof. The roof structure would be visible from the side of the yard and Jen wanted to make sure that the request for a variance would be favorably reviewed as long as the appearance and quality of materials were in character for the neighborhood. Board members were in favor of allowing the structure and handle the permission with a proper variance.
- Bill Steenis reports that ten signs had been acquired and eight awards made for the initial month of the program. Recipients were all thrilled and enthused. Bill made personal delivery of all signs to those receiving the awards.
- Bill has new grade sheets, maps, letters of instruction, etc. put together in packets for those wishing to do the voting. In the future, Bill will advise judges to evaluate between the 18th and 21st of the month which will assure consistency by narrowing the time frame for review and allow a day to get the results in by newsletter submission deadline.
- The goal is to have no fewer than three judges per month and to have enough judges so nobody will be asked to judge for longer than a two month stretch. Currently, ten homeowners are signed up to judge.
- Jen Stout reports that the Snohomish Little League has completed their season and removed the portable toilet. The Christian league has also wrapped up their season.
- Jen has a request for a reservation from Mark Popham for several Saturdays and is waiting on insurance documentation that she had requested from his group.
- John Patterson reported that he has responded to the Boy Scouts indicating our acceptance of their offer to shred Christmas trees shortly after New Years and use the mulch material to improve the trail just east of 72nd Drive. As agreed to by Bill Malowney, a $300 contribution to the troop will be made.