7:00 PM WEDNESDAY September, 14, 2005
7:00 PM WEDNESDAY September, 14, 2005
- Jen Stout called the meeting to order at 7:12 pm. Present were Jen Stout, Bill Steenis, Steve Yandl, Betty Malowney, Bill Malowney, Bob Wells, and Trina Coleman. Amy Key and John Patterson arrived at different times later in the meeting.
- Steve Yandl asked to waive a full reading of the August minutes which had not been edited from the version posted on our web page. There were no objections. Steve Yandl moved that the minutes be accepted, Betty Malowney seconded and the motion passed 4 – 0.
- Steve Yandl reported that with Sue Ann Goldman’s house for sale, he may need help putting together the newsletter. Sue Ann has been producing the copies, folding and prepping for mail, and getting each issue mailed. One option would be to shift to a quarterly rather than monthly newsletter in 2006 and enhancing the web page so more current info is available there. There are many advantages to the monthly version but it’s too much work for one person to do each and every month.
- It was suggested that we check with PostNet to see if they would be willing to prepare the newsletter if it was emailed to them as a Publisher file rather than hand carried and what that would cost.
- Trina Coleman offered to help with some issues. Amy Key suggested that she and/or her sons could help with folding and other prep work for some issues.
- Jen Stout reported that the South Snohomish County Soccer League had failed to provide required paperwork to use the Boat Park field and has now chosen to direct their coaches to use other fields for practice.
- Jen has added a clause in her requirement letter indicating that no use of the field can occur until the requested paperwork has been received by her and approved.
- We have let the league know that they may still use the field, if and when they do actually provide the proper paperwork (with our name correctly listed as an added name insured on their insurance policy)
- Bill Malowney reminded the group that we need to have using groups list us as added named insured not only because we might appear to have sufficient assets to get us named in a suit but also to increase the odds that the using party’s insurance carrier would shield us with legal protection if any such suit were brought.
- The Board acknowledged the email received by all from Les Ostermeir where he offered his resignation from the ACC and the Board. His current work situation prevents the time investment required.
- At the request of Jen Stout, two volunteer candidates for position on the ACC, Trina Coleman and Bob Wells, indicated their willingness to join Bill and Betty Malowney on the ACC. This gives us four our of a five member maximum for the committee and the Board had no objections to approving the new candidates. Bill Malowney will set up an initial meeting for the new committee where they can determine a chairperson. He will also get files and notes from Les Ostermeir.
- Bill Malowney reported that there are 11 sheds out of compliance with the CC&Rs and a number of other non compliance issues. There are well over 100 sheds where homeowners have complied with wood construction, cedar shake roof and proper paint job. In fairness to those who spent the extra effort and money to comply, the Board needs to consider an enforcement strategy to deal with out of compliance sheds. Other issues include more gravel driveways and boat or RV parking in front of houses for extended time periods.
- In anticipation of many requests from non compliant homeowners wanting to be “grandfathered in” on the shed and other issues, the Board had a discussion on how much autonomy the Architectural Control Committee should have in granting exceptions or variances. Steve Yandl made the motion that any exception or variance be presented to the Board by the ACC or the person requesting the exception or variance and approvals be made by the entire Board. Amy Key seconded the motion. The motion passed 5 – 0.
- Bill Malowney pointed out that there were a number of issues with sheds beside those made of plastic, to include incorrect paint color and T111 siding.
- Bill wanted to know how much discretion he and the rest of the committee would have in setting the size of fines imposed and time schedule to complete corrections. Steve Yandl made the motion to allow Bill and the committee complete discretion on setting the size of fines as long as the fine was less that the limit set in the CC&Rs, $500 per day. Amy Key seconded the motion and it passed 5 – 0.
- Bill mentioned that there are several new issues with gravel driveways. The group agreed that the committee needs to be consistent by continuing enforcement of this covenant.
- Bill shared some of the form letters previously created for committee use by Mike Summitt. He also asked that new committee members get back to him with schedules so they could find a time to get together in the next week to select a chairperson and to work out practical aspects of protocol and procedures.
- There was no interest in changing the existing policy where a homeowner can contest an approval, disapproval or other ruling of the Architectural Control Committee by attending a Board meeting and making an appeal.
- Bill Malowney reported that a number of sprinkler heads at the ball field had to be replaced. Replacements used were a more heavy duty commercial grade. The total was $165.
- Bill reported that he has quotes from Skinner on the cost of extending the sprinkler lines in the two common areas where we’ve never had sprinkler coverage. Skinner also bid on putting in drought tolerant plantings with a quote of $9332. Sprinkler extensions (which include a new meter and connections) would be roughly $5000 for the project at the north end of 72nd Dr and $700 for the project along 67th Ave. Since drought tolerant plantings might not survive if they didn’t receive decent attention right after planting, it probably makes sense to just do the sprinkler systems but the quotes were high enough that Bill will wait to find an appropriate time to have the work done to avoid exceeding his budget. It also makes sense to table the final decision until after the Willis Tucker Park entrances are completed (expected May 2006) so we can best integrate what we do with whatever the park department creates.
- Bill had a copy of Skinner’s most recent contract proposal for the period beginning January 1, 2006. This was a multi-year proposal with a 3% increase for 2006 and 6% increase for 2007. Bill’s recommendation was that we renew for 12 months with the proposed 3% increase and open the contract for bidding at the end of 2006. Bill Steenis moved to take the action recommended by Bill Malowney, Steve Yandl seconded and the motion passed 6 – 0.
- Responding to an email question from John Patterson to the group in the past week, Bill Malowney provided some comments on our insurance policy renewals. Amy already renewed the Directors and Officers policy and just received the packet on Property and Casualty which goes from $3634 to $4142. Bill explained that some components have gone down but liability is what pushes the cost up. We also have a commercial property policy that covers things like the equipment at the play areas. Our liability coverage was raised to $2 million.
- Bill suggested that we consider a policy that would cover our assets should we lose money as the result of some criminal activity of any Board member based on the amount of assets we now have. The cost would roughly be $1300 per year for $100k of protected assets. To collect with such a policy, the Board member would need to be prosecuted and found guilty. Amy Key pointed out that such an outcome is extremely improbable since the prosecution would need to be convinced it was worth their time to pursue. It was decided that since our requirement for two signatures on checks and other key financial papers gives us a fair degree of protection, we would be better off not getting the coverage.
- Bill Steenis reported that October would be the last month of judging for yard of merit. The next awards would be holiday decoration.
- Bill was very pleased that when he has sent out emails to judges and other volunteers, he is getting 100% response and excellent follow-through on tasks.
- The plan is to stick with 10 holiday award signs like we had last year, even though we’ve gone to 18 signs for yard of merit.
- Amy Key had distributed a set of reports by email prior to the meeting. Those reports will be posted on the web page and should be considered part of these minutes.
- John Patterson inquired about the previously discussed suggestion to pave a section of the gravel trail joining Snohomish Cascade Drive and 72nd Drive.
- The general feeling was that gravel would still make it out to the sidewalk and street.
- Bob Wells suggested we consider replacing the last 10 ft or so of gravel with crushed rock which wouldn’t roll out. Bill Malowney will talk to Skinner to see what that might cost us.
- Steve Yandl shared the landscape plans submitted by Gary and Mureall Hebert. They sent in their request about a month prior and not received a response. The request was quickly reviewed and approved. Steve Yandl will contact them to let them know.