7:00 PM WEDNESDAY December, 14, 2005
7:00 PM WEDNESDAY December, 14, 2005
- Bill Steenis called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. Present were Bill Steenis, Amy Key, Steve Yandl, Betty Malowney, John Patterson, Trina Coleman and Bill Malowney.
- Steve Yandl asked to waive a formal reading of the November minutes which had been posted on the web page with no corrections made after posting. Amy Key made the motion to accept the minutes, Bill Steenis seconded and the motion passed 6 – 0.
- Amy Key had emailed all financial reports to the Board. Those reports should be considered part of these minutes.
- John Patterson inquired about the small amount paid for meters and street lights since the PUD has shifted billing from the HOA to individual homeowners. Amy and Bill Malowney explained that we still pay a minimal amount to maintain three meters not associated with street lights and she could possibly change the category name to simply “meter”.
- Steve Yandl made the motion to accept the financial reports. John Patterson seconded. The motion passed 6 – 0.
- Amy reported that the dues would in fact stay at $300 with the new budget.
- Trina Coleman let Amy know that the post office cost per newsletter issue was approximately $40.
- Bill Malowney reported that the reason he had not shown replacement of play equipment at the tot parks in the long term capital forecast was that he didn’t anticipate the equipment would require placement within the two decade span the forecast covers. Funds to maintain and repair the equipment are part of the operating budget.
- Bill Malowney reported that several locking mail boxes have been severely damaged and may require replacement. The same few mail boxes have been hit repeatedly. Bill is checking on a heavier duty unit as replacement.
- Bill reported that the quote to repair vandalism damage to the ball field is about $750. Rocks were moved, lawn damaged and a tree sawed down and removed.
- John Patterson commented that he would like to check with a contractor he has been working with to get us a proposed cost to add some large rocks to the perimeter of the parking area at the ball field.
- Bill reports that he could not remove the paint from signs at the small tot park and they will have to be replaced.
- Bill had a quote from Skinner for replacing the east 10’ of gravel with stone pacers on the trail that connects Snohomish Cascade Drive and 72nd Dr. The price would be about $1,050. There was discussion about doing 3’-4’ on the trail at the opposite side of 72nd Dr. That trail section slopes the away from the street making gravel less of a problem but still possibly worth dealing with. John Patterson asked that we hold off on the decision while he gets a second quote to make sure we’re getting a good price.
- Of the 31 total issues recently raised, 20 have been resolved and are considered closed.
- There are five paint jobs on sheds pending. They have either been given time to paint during decent weather or have promised to submit plans that include a color by some deadline.
- Two new situations that came up since the last meeting are with homeowners who’ve not yet gotten back to the committee.
- One homeowner with a plastic shed asked to be permitted to retain it until May 16 before he submits a plan to replace it. The committee feels that 30 days is a more reasonable deadline and reports that all others with similar situations have managed to get rid of plastic or other unacceptable sheds within a 30 day window. The Board had no objections to the committee sticking with the 30 day limit with the understanding that the committee would be reasonable if other extenuating circumstances came up. Bill Steenis made the motion to have the committee use a 30 day deadline for removal of the plastic shed (lot 3-0-106). Steve Yandl seconded the motion. The motion passed 5 – 0.
- A number of the 18 homeowners sent reminders about garbage and recycle bin container policy phoned to apologize which Bill Malowney reported was not necessary based on the letters but does suggest it probably will not happen again at those lots.
- Bill Malowney provided some background regarding the homeowner (lot 1-0-015) who had sent him an email regarding jurisdictional issues of the ACC which was distributed to all Board members prior to the meeting. This owner had replaced part of the front yard with gravel to facilitate moving a boat which he had been keeping on a side yard. On checking out the gravel driveway prior to the November meeting, Board members had noticed that the boat was being kept under an unapproved shelter with a metal roof. Issues of both driveway and the shelter were discussed at the November meeting. The homeowner had moved the boat and indicated to Bill that he was considering removal of the gravel and putting sod back down. He wanted to attend a Board meeting to argue for his plans but was unable to attend this meeting. The Board discussed the email which contains a number of arguments contending that the ACC’s jurisdiction did not extend to temporary structures that should be considered personal property and also that if the ACC failed to act to prevent the completion of an unapproved project for over 60 days they lost the ability to do so. No votes were taken but there was general agreement on the following:
- If a double gate remains and some vehicle, trailer or piece of equipment is kept behind it, the land leading to that gate is driveway, even if planted in lawn and seldom used.
- Temporary shelters over boats, RVs, or other major pieces of equipment do fall in the jurisdiction of the ACC and require prior written approval to be erected or maintained. If they are approved, the rules for roofing would be the same as for houses, sheds, and other buildings.
- Section 9.1 of the CC&Rs give the Association the right to enforce the CC&Rs, even if the ACC or Board has failed to act on the issue in the past. In other words, a violation that has gone unnoticed for some period of time does not need to be “grandfathered in”.
- The ACC should postpone acting on this situation until after the January Board meeting to allow this homeowner the opportunity to come to a Board meeting and argue his (their) position in person if they desire.
- Bill Steenis distributed multiple copies of score sheets prepared for scoring homeowners in the holiday decoration award program. Bill also had maps with lot numbers.
- The only restriction is that scorers are not allowed to put in votes for their own house. Judges can win if others vote for them.
- We meet at the Steenis house Tuesday evening December 13 to submit score sheets and tabulate results.