7:00 PM WEDNESDAY July 11, 2007
Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
1. Meeting brought to order by Bill Steenis at 7:07 pm. In attendance: Bill Steenis, Steve Yandl, Ron Lee, Jennifer Stout. In attendance later on: Allen Kerr, Trina Coleman.
2. June meeting minutes presented by Steve Yandl. Motion made by Jennifer Stout to accept the minutes. Seconded by Ron Lee. All were in favor, 4-0.
Treasurer Report
1. Treasurer report provided by Steve Yandl. Draft of audit available for review. Only minor points of clarification required thus far. Our auditor felt the corrections would be no problem.
2. Check register showed $63,670.00 minus long term fund money of $8,645.00 which is to be transferred to the long term capital fund after July 17 when the CD comes due. Also few outstanding checks for payment of the audit, leaving total of $52,500.00 in checking which is equivalent to last year at this time. Steve reported with known upcoming repairs HOA is on schedule to be ahead at the end of the year.
3. Point made that the long term fund for fence rebuild is likely underfunded. Recommendation by Steve Yandl: not to increase yearly dues but also not to drop them. To increase from $35.00/year towards long term fund to $45.00/year. Possibly to decrease from $310.00/year to $300.00/year for dues if appropriate.
A. Discussion regarding time line for fence; stated flow chart on web site shows in 5 years to repaint community fence. Last done at a cost of $17,600.00. In 15 years to replace entire fence line at an estimated cost of $100,000.00. Flow chart does not account for inflation. Currently in long term account is approximately $45,000.00.
B. It was agreed that being aggressive on fence repairs now will help to minimize or postpone some of the long term fence upkeep planned for the future.
C. The benefit of having planned ahead with the long term fund for all homeowners was discussed. Some new homeowners to the area have actually asked about the HOA reserves & accounts.
D. Jennifer Stout asked if the long term fund covered replacement and upkeep of the current park toys. The fund as is does not at this time cover toys. Use of some of the surplus from this year was one suggestion to supplement the long term fund to help add funds towards the toys. Adding toy replacement to the long term fund plan for next year was discussed.
4. Operational reserve fund of approximately $22,000.00 will be transferred to a market rate savings or checking account when it comes due in order to have emergency funds available should there be an unplanned need. Having this available will eliminate the need for padding the budget to have money available for unplanned emergencies.
Maintenance Report
1. One bid received for landscaping services, one coming soon plus our current contract on file. Board will plan to have them all by September for review so due diligence can be shown in confirming the best service offer. First bid received with comparison of current contract with outsourced weed killer services is 18% higher.
A. Allen Kerr wants to work further on the request for proposal so board can be sure they are comparing equal bids for the services we expect to be done within the contract. He will work with John Patterson to finalize the request for proposal. He is interested in working with the other HOA in the area to see what their contracts include to make sure we don’t miss anything.
B. Concern brought by Steve Yandl to confirm with any new contract that the owner would assume risk and effort to secure all subcontractors necessary to meet the boards bid for landscaping. Also to put into any contract a consequence for any service provider who may choose to backout of a new agreement with the HOA should they find the bid too large, etc.
2. Boat park damage – some work done by John Patterson to repair the boat toy.
3. Graffiti – no more seen since early summer. Discussion held regarding fence paint and to have an action plan for quicker paint over for the next outburst of graffiti. Brief discussion to paint the bare wood fence at 72nd. 67th Drive still has some graffiti on the sidewalk that needs to be addressed. Options for removing that were discussed.
4. It has been noticed that people have been congregating along side Snohomish Cascade Drive and littering along with other less than desirable activities.
ACC Committee Report
1. Gerges’ certified letter was sent back as undeliverable on July the 5th. Letter sent regarding state of front yard. Covenances state an attempt to deliver can be considered received 2 days after the letter was sent. A printed copy of the USPS report regarding the undeliverable mail will be kept on file. Numerous complaints from both Gold Creek 1 and 2 have been received regarding this residence. Likelihood of needing to bring a landscaper in to fix the problem.
2. Allen Kerr is taking over for Trina Coleman as ACC Chair. A plan for transition of paperwork and responsibilities was created.
3. Letter to home of Jason Mun regarding yard and fence maintenance needs to go out. Allen Kerr agreed to generate letter.
4. The home that was purchased with the original intent of being a rental is being improved. Exterior paint & yard work is being completed. The yard was addressed by the ACC committee in a prior letter.
Yard of Merit
1. New volunteers have offered to help judge. Bill Steenis is now only needing to tally votes and move signs.
2. 21 homes received signs this month.
New Business
1. Plan to get Jen Stout a recorder to help her take notes for the meetings. At this time it was determined the loaner from Steve Yandl was sufficient.
2. Suggestion from Bill Steenis to have file cabinets to help organize the ACC records vs. the binder system currently in place. This will be pursued by Allen Kerr once records have been transferred to him.
3. Ron Lee has volunteered to take over boat park reservations for the HOA. Paperwork and duties discussed briefly. Ideas for posting the reservation schedule were discussed. It was confirmed that a 64 gallon garbage can is going to be delivered to the boat park to help minimize garbage on the grass.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.
7:00 PM WEDNESDAY July 11, 2007
Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
1. Meeting brought to order by Bill Steenis at 7:07 pm. In attendance: Bill Steenis, Steve Yandl, Ron Lee, Jennifer Stout. In attendance later on: Allen Kerr, Trina Coleman.
2. June meeting minutes presented by Steve Yandl. Motion made by Jennifer Stout to accept the minutes. Seconded by Ron Lee. All were in favor, 4-0.
Treasurer Report
1. Treasurer report provided by Steve Yandl. Draft of audit available for review. Only minor points of clarification required thus far. Our auditor felt the corrections would be no problem.
2. Check register showed $63,670.00 minus long term fund money of $8,645.00 which is to be transferred to the long term capital fund after July 17 when the CD comes due. Also few outstanding checks for payment of the audit, leaving total of $52,500.00 in checking which is equivalent to last year at this time. Steve reported with known upcoming repairs HOA is on schedule to be ahead at the end of the year.
3. Point made that the long term fund for fence rebuild is likely underfunded. Recommendation by Steve Yandl: not to increase yearly dues but also not to drop them. To increase from $35.00/year towards long term fund to $45.00/year. Possibly to decrease from $310.00/year to $300.00/year for dues if appropriate.
A. Discussion regarding time line for fence; stated flow chart on web site shows in 5 years to repaint community fence. Last done at a cost of $17,600.00. In 15 years to replace entire fence line at an estimated cost of $100,000.00. Flow chart does not account for inflation. Currently in long term account is approximately $45,000.00.
B. It was agreed that being aggressive on fence repairs now will help to minimize or postpone some of the long term fence upkeep planned for the future.
C. The benefit of having planned ahead with the long term fund for all homeowners was discussed. Some new homeowners to the area have actually asked about the HOA reserves & accounts.
D. Jennifer Stout asked if the long term fund covered replacement and upkeep of the current park toys. The fund as is does not at this time cover toys. Use of some of the surplus from this year was one suggestion to supplement the long term fund to help add funds towards the toys. Adding toy replacement to the long term fund plan for next year was discussed.
4. Operational reserve fund of approximately $22,000.00 will be transferred to a market rate savings or checking account when it comes due in order to have emergency funds available should there be an unplanned need. Having this available will eliminate the need for padding the budget to have money available for unplanned emergencies.
Maintenance Report
1. One bid received for landscaping services, one coming soon plus our current contract on file. Board will plan to have them all by September for review so due diligence can be shown in confirming the best service offer. First bid received with comparison of current contract with outsourced weed killer services is 18% higher.
A. Allen Kerr wants to work further on the request for proposal so board can be sure they are comparing equal bids for the services we expect to be done within the contract. He will work with John Patterson to finalize the request for proposal. He is interested in working with the other HOA in the area to see what their contracts include to make sure we don’t miss anything.
B. Concern brought by Steve Yandl to confirm with any new contract that the owner would assume risk and effort to secure all subcontractors necessary to meet the boards bid for landscaping. Also to put into any contract a consequence for any service provider who may choose to backout of a new agreement with the HOA should they find the bid too large, etc.
2. Boat park damage – some work done by John Patterson to repair the boat toy.
3. Graffiti – no more seen since early summer. Discussion held regarding fence paint and to have an action plan for quicker paint over for the next outburst of graffiti. Brief discussion to paint the bare wood fence at 72nd. 67th Drive still has some graffiti on the sidewalk that needs to be addressed. Options for removing that were discussed.
4. It has been noticed that people have been congregating along side Snohomish Cascade Drive and littering along with other less than desirable activities.
ACC Committee Report
1. Gerges’ certified letter was sent back as undeliverable on July the 5th. Letter sent regarding state of front yard. Covenances state an attempt to deliver can be considered received 2 days after the letter was sent. A printed copy of the USPS report regarding the undeliverable mail will be kept on file. Numerous complaints from both Gold Creek 1 and 2 have been received regarding this residence. Likelihood of needing to bring a landscaper in to fix the problem.
2. Allen Kerr is taking over for Trina Coleman as ACC Chair. A plan for transition of paperwork and responsibilities was created.
3. Letter to home of Jason Mun regarding yard and fence maintenance needs to go out. Allen Kerr agreed to generate letter.
4. The home that was purchased with the original intent of being a rental is being improved. Exterior paint & yard work is being completed. The yard was addressed by the ACC committee in a prior letter.
Yard of Merit
1. New volunteers have offered to help judge. Bill Steenis is now only needing to tally votes and move signs.
2. 21 homes received signs this month.
New Business
1. Plan to get Jen Stout a recorder to help her take notes for the meetings. At this time it was determined the loaner from Steve Yandl was sufficient.
2. Suggestion from Bill Steenis to have file cabinets to help organize the ACC records vs. the binder system currently in place. This will be pursued by Allen Kerr once records have been transferred to him.
3. Ron Lee has volunteered to take over boat park reservations for the HOA. Paperwork and duties discussed briefly. Ideas for posting the reservation schedule were discussed. It was confirmed that a 64 gallon garbage can is going to be delivered to the boat park to help minimize garbage on the grass.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.