7:00 PM WEDNESDAY August 15, 2007
Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
1. Meeting brought to order by Bill Steenis at 7:30 pm. In attendance: Bill Steenis, Steve Yandl, Ron Lee, Jennifer Stout, Allen Kerr. In attendance later on John Patterson.
2. July meeting minutes presented by Jennifer Stout. Motion made by Allen Kerr to accept the minutes as written. Seconded by Jennifer Stout. All were in favor.
Treasurer Report
1. Accounts as follows: checking $45, 831 and change, minus outstanding checks totaling roughly $2,346.00, leaving $43,000. Long term CD = $ 45, 831 and change. Market rate CD holds $22, 687 and change.
2. 2006 audit report distributed by Steve Yandl. Copies provided to members.
A. Part of what the auditors provide as their service is to come to the annual meeting and do a presentation regarding the audit procedure, outcomes & answer questions. Board members in agreement this would be a nice addition to annual meeting.
B. Double initialing by two board members recommended but not required – more challenging to do as originals invoices are given to the accountant’s helper as original check request is done via email prior. Photocopies of personal items/non routine check requests are made for review and initial. Auditor felt our HOA was doing well with the procedures we had in place currently.
3. Motion made by Allen Kerr to generate a letter to the homeowners along the retention pond at 67th documenting the wooden fence being handed over to the homeowners. Seconded by John Patterson, all in favor. Steve Yandl will document said letter and mail it out.
ACC Committee Report
1. ARC/CCR committee meeting minutes distributed to board members for review. See separate committee report at end of minutes.
2. 3 strikes approach – see details at ARC/CCR meeting minutes at end of board minutes – not all letters will be certified, 3rd letter necessary will be sent certified. When available hand carried letters or regular mail will be used when possible, up until 3rd letter required. These ideas presented by the CCR committee are guiding principles only, that the situation will be taken into account and common sense will be used.
3. John Patterson asked a question re: 3rd strike theory, that should a household have that same violation later if the process begins back at step one, or if fines are eligible to start immediately, or how handle such a situation. It was determined that no – you do not start over if this problem reoccurs , therefore fines could be initiated earlier –wording to clarify this point will be addressed in such letters as necessary.
4. 15604 72nd Dr. SE received letter requesting plan of action for fenceline requiring repair.
5. 6811 154th Place SE was discussed as to whether or not the back yard was in compliance with the CC&Rs. It was determined Allen Kerr would review the yard and take appropriate action as necessary.
6. 15110 69th Ave SE was being reviewed for home business and business vehicles being left in sight. Letters and discussions were taking place with the homeowners.
7. The board acknowledged receipt of the letter written by a homeowner that recommended a bike rack at the intersection of SnoCascade & Puget Park Drive for commuting and stated concern regarding fireworks. It was determined to be unfeasible to attempt the bike rack with the other associations and due to the close vote ratio of people for and against fireworks there was nothing the board could do to enforce firework safety. The neighborhood is under county law which currently allows for fireworks.
8. 15031 67th Ave SE requested removal of the fines imposed for lawn out of compliance. It was voted on by the board that the fines stay in place, as is, at $75.00. Motioned by Steve Yandl to leave fines in place, seconded by Allen Kerr, all in favor.
9. Discussion ensued regarding the letter received from an attorney for a former Gold Creek 2A resident regarding rentals. This was determined to be tabled at this time and discussed in further detail at the work meeting 8/29/07.
10. Vote by board re: home purchased primarily for rental purpose. Motion made by Steve Yandl to deny this household the opportunity to use this house as a rental. Seconded by John Patterson, all in favor.
11. 7030 156th St. SE requested permission to build a tree house. Allen will meet with homeowner to discuss specifics. Board agreed tree house should meet specifications required for a shed in looks, building materials. Should not be above the roofline of the house.
12. It was determined a work meeting on 8/29/07 at 7pm at Bill Steenis’s home will be to work on CC&R clarifications & to find a way to be consistent in enforcement of all CC&R rules. Points of concern include: rv & boat parking, rentals, consistent enforcement of all rules.
Maintenance Report
1.New chainlink fence has had vandalism to it. Areas have been pulled back in order to enter the pond area. Wooden boards broken in fenceline and also on private property next to detention pond to access the chainlink fence.
2. Awaiting one more lawn maintenance bid for review for September meeting.
Yard of Merit
1. September will be the last month for yard of merit
2. Holiday decoration yard of merit will be held on 12/17/07 – with a meeting at Bill Steenis’ home after voting. Will be posted in newsletter.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm.
7:00 PM WEDNESDAY August 15, 2007
Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
1. Meeting brought to order by Bill Steenis at 7:30 pm. In attendance: Bill Steenis, Steve Yandl, Ron Lee, Jennifer Stout, Allen Kerr. In attendance later on John Patterson.
2. July meeting minutes presented by Jennifer Stout. Motion made by Allen Kerr to accept the minutes as written. Seconded by Jennifer Stout. All were in favor.
Treasurer Report
1. Accounts as follows: checking $45, 831 and change, minus outstanding checks totaling roughly $2,346.00, leaving $43,000. Long term CD = $ 45, 831 and change. Market rate CD holds $22, 687 and change.
2. 2006 audit report distributed by Steve Yandl. Copies provided to members.
A. Part of what the auditors provide as their service is to come to the annual meeting and do a presentation regarding the audit procedure, outcomes & answer questions. Board members in agreement this would be a nice addition to annual meeting.
B. Double initialing by two board members recommended but not required – more challenging to do as originals invoices are given to the accountant’s helper as original check request is done via email prior. Photocopies of personal items/non routine check requests are made for review and initial. Auditor felt our HOA was doing well with the procedures we had in place currently.
3. Motion made by Allen Kerr to generate a letter to the homeowners along the retention pond at 67th documenting the wooden fence being handed over to the homeowners. Seconded by John Patterson, all in favor. Steve Yandl will document said letter and mail it out.
ACC Committee Report
1. ARC/CCR committee meeting minutes distributed to board members for review. See separate committee report at end of minutes.
2. 3 strikes approach – see details at ARC/CCR meeting minutes at end of board minutes – not all letters will be certified, 3rd letter necessary will be sent certified. When available hand carried letters or regular mail will be used when possible, up until 3rd letter required. These ideas presented by the CCR committee are guiding principles only, that the situation will be taken into account and common sense will be used.
3. John Patterson asked a question re: 3rd strike theory, that should a household have that same violation later if the process begins back at step one, or if fines are eligible to start immediately, or how handle such a situation. It was determined that no – you do not start over if this problem reoccurs , therefore fines could be initiated earlier –wording to clarify this point will be addressed in such letters as necessary.
4. 15604 72nd Dr. SE received letter requesting plan of action for fenceline requiring repair.
5. 6811 154th Place SE was discussed as to whether or not the back yard was in compliance with the CC&Rs. It was determined Allen Kerr would review the yard and take appropriate action as necessary.
6. 15110 69th Ave SE was being reviewed for home business and business vehicles being left in sight. Letters and discussions were taking place with the homeowners.
7. The board acknowledged receipt of the letter written by a homeowner that recommended a bike rack at the intersection of SnoCascade & Puget Park Drive for commuting and stated concern regarding fireworks. It was determined to be unfeasible to attempt the bike rack with the other associations and due to the close vote ratio of people for and against fireworks there was nothing the board could do to enforce firework safety. The neighborhood is under county law which currently allows for fireworks.
8. 15031 67th Ave SE requested removal of the fines imposed for lawn out of compliance. It was voted on by the board that the fines stay in place, as is, at $75.00. Motioned by Steve Yandl to leave fines in place, seconded by Allen Kerr, all in favor.
9. Discussion ensued regarding the letter received from an attorney for a former Gold Creek 2A resident regarding rentals. This was determined to be tabled at this time and discussed in further detail at the work meeting 8/29/07.
10. Vote by board re: home purchased primarily for rental purpose. Motion made by Steve Yandl to deny this household the opportunity to use this house as a rental. Seconded by John Patterson, all in favor.
11. 7030 156th St. SE requested permission to build a tree house. Allen will meet with homeowner to discuss specifics. Board agreed tree house should meet specifications required for a shed in looks, building materials. Should not be above the roofline of the house.
12. It was determined a work meeting on 8/29/07 at 7pm at Bill Steenis’s home will be to work on CC&R clarifications & to find a way to be consistent in enforcement of all CC&R rules. Points of concern include: rv & boat parking, rentals, consistent enforcement of all rules.
Maintenance Report
1.New chainlink fence has had vandalism to it. Areas have been pulled back in order to enter the pond area. Wooden boards broken in fenceline and also on private property next to detention pond to access the chainlink fence.
2. Awaiting one more lawn maintenance bid for review for September meeting.
Yard of Merit
1. September will be the last month for yard of merit
2. Holiday decoration yard of merit will be held on 12/17/07 – with a meeting at Bill Steenis’ home after voting. Will be posted in newsletter.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm.