Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
1. Meeting brought to order by Bill Steenis at 7:04 pm. In attendance: Bill Steenis, Steve Yandl, Ron Lee, Jennifer Stout, John Patterson, Jan Corbally, Trina Coleman.
2. August meeting minutes presented by Jennifer Stout. Motion made by Bill Steenis to accept the minutes as written. Seconded by Steve Yandl. All were in favor.
Treasurer Report
1. Accounts as follows: checking $41,191.00 and change, minus outstanding checks and known outstanding invoice for Town & Country leaving $33,688.
2. Estimated expenses per month run $3-4,000. Estimated end of year balance should be approximately $20,700. End of 2006 balances were at $27,000. Some more special projects were completed this year which utilized these funds.
3. Insurance was discussed and concern was expressed by Ron Lee that the coverage for the HOA umbrella policy may not be sufficient at approximately two million per liability/individual. Discussion to increase the liability rate was determined that it would be beneficial. Steve Yandl agreed to research what the cost would be to increase in increments for further coverage.
Maintenance Report
1. Review performed with Town & country Fence by John Patterson to confirm work not completed & chain link fence repair that needed to be done. These items were to be completed in near future.
2. Proposal requested from Town & Country Fence for complete removal of current fence and replacement with plastic fence. This quote was requested for price gauging only for future options of community fence. A preserved wood fence option was also discussed and John Patterson will research this.
3. Invoice for chain link fence will be coming.
4. Black top holes being re-dug by Verizon subcontractors from work done this summer – reason for it was that Snohomish County was not pleased with product used to repair the original holes. Areas are being replaced with better product, likely asphalt.
5. Eagle Scout project options to improve neighborhood – 2 local Eagle Scouts interested in ideas. Ideas below generated by board; will be taken back to Troop 91 and John Patterson will follow up with Board as to what the Eagle Scouts choose to take on:
A. Cut down aspen trees and replace
B. Pavers on path between Sno-Cascade & 72nd
C. Median strip re-landscaping with drought resistant plants
D. Repair boat toy at park
E. Weather proof the top/bottom of the community fence
F. Horse trail mulch
6. Landscape Bids received. Skinner Landscaping bid was lowest with all requirements met that the Board had. Due diligence performed by board with review of all bids placed. Motion made by Steve Yandl to accept the bid for the 2008-09 year, seconded by Jennifer Stout. All in favor.
7. Bids for Aspen tree removal and replacement with different trees are being requested by interested landscaping companies. Discussion regarding options between replacing all at once or over a matter of years was had. Will await quotes; research replacement tree options. Estimate of 30 trees in neighborhood. Tentative pricing is approx $250-350.00 to down each individual tree and almost as much to grind stump. Some savings could be found by doing a group at a time. Aspen trees are not a good choice for the neighborhood as they are aggressive growers and the shoots can block sewer lines, break foundations, etc. Many neighbors with these next to their property have complained of the shoots the trees grow out into lawns.
15402 70th Ave SE has had permission to remove some of the Aspens aligning her property. Discussion to be had with homeowner to change the replacement trees put in as the root base of current choice is shallow and unstable.
ACC Committee Report
1. Allen Kerr touched base with attorney Sherman Knight; will have a meeting with him later on to discuss ACC rules etc. and the feasibility to propose changes to CC&Rs and if appropriate to send out to general vote with dues in January. Such changes primarily focusing on clarification of boats and r.v. rules.
2. 15526 67th Dr. SE – not being kept up. Steve Yandl agreed to call and follow up with the rental agency to see what the status of the house was for selling and to clarify with the agency that the current owner’s have a responsibility to keep the outside of the house up to neighborhood standards.
3. Bill Steenis reported on his phone conversation with the discussion he had with the attorney for Mr. Jason Warner regarding rentals in Sector 2A at Snohomish Cascade HOA. The attorney stated that the letter was “not for picking a fight,” was not for generating a lawsuit situation and that there was no specific goal of the letter in fact. Bill Steenis asked if the attorney had read the CC&Rs, the attorney stated “yes”, when asked if he had read the rental agreement, the attorney stated “no.” That attorney stated he would call Mr. Steenis back and at the time of the meeting he was still awaiting a follow up phone call from the attorney. It was recommended to have a follow up letter mailed to the attorney; Bill Steenis agreed to send out the letter.
4. Amendment 4 has been recorded with the county. This amendment allows for the ACC committee to approve other specific brands of fiberglass architectural shingles for roofing materials. Steve Yandl proposed section 7 be added to the Rules and Procedures of the ACC that would read as follows:
7. Section 6.2.2 of the CC&Rs dealing with building materials originally limited the options for roofing materials to either cedar shakes or tiles. By affirmative vote of greater than a 75% majority of association member an Amendment 4 to the CC&Rs was approved and recorded on August 27, 2007. This amendment changed the sentence in Section 6.2.2 that gives approved roofing materials so that it now reads, “Roofing materials must be cedar shingle, shake, tile, or certain specific brands of fiberglass architectural singles as the Board may from time to time designate by rule as being appropriate.” In addition to cedar shingles or shake and concrete time, the following materials are approved as roofing materials.
7.1 Certain Teed presidential TL
Motion made by John Patterson to approve; seconded by Ron Lee. All were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:07pm.
Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
1. Meeting brought to order by Bill Steenis at 7:04 pm. In attendance: Bill Steenis, Steve Yandl, Ron Lee, Jennifer Stout, John Patterson, Jan Corbally, Trina Coleman.
2. August meeting minutes presented by Jennifer Stout. Motion made by Bill Steenis to accept the minutes as written. Seconded by Steve Yandl. All were in favor.
Treasurer Report
1. Accounts as follows: checking $41,191.00 and change, minus outstanding checks and known outstanding invoice for Town & Country leaving $33,688.
2. Estimated expenses per month run $3-4,000. Estimated end of year balance should be approximately $20,700. End of 2006 balances were at $27,000. Some more special projects were completed this year which utilized these funds.
3. Insurance was discussed and concern was expressed by Ron Lee that the coverage for the HOA umbrella policy may not be sufficient at approximately two million per liability/individual. Discussion to increase the liability rate was determined that it would be beneficial. Steve Yandl agreed to research what the cost would be to increase in increments for further coverage.
Maintenance Report
1. Review performed with Town & country Fence by John Patterson to confirm work not completed & chain link fence repair that needed to be done. These items were to be completed in near future.
2. Proposal requested from Town & Country Fence for complete removal of current fence and replacement with plastic fence. This quote was requested for price gauging only for future options of community fence. A preserved wood fence option was also discussed and John Patterson will research this.
3. Invoice for chain link fence will be coming.
4. Black top holes being re-dug by Verizon subcontractors from work done this summer – reason for it was that Snohomish County was not pleased with product used to repair the original holes. Areas are being replaced with better product, likely asphalt.
5. Eagle Scout project options to improve neighborhood – 2 local Eagle Scouts interested in ideas. Ideas below generated by board; will be taken back to Troop 91 and John Patterson will follow up with Board as to what the Eagle Scouts choose to take on:
A. Cut down aspen trees and replace
B. Pavers on path between Sno-Cascade & 72nd
C. Median strip re-landscaping with drought resistant plants
D. Repair boat toy at park
E. Weather proof the top/bottom of the community fence
F. Horse trail mulch
6. Landscape Bids received. Skinner Landscaping bid was lowest with all requirements met that the Board had. Due diligence performed by board with review of all bids placed. Motion made by Steve Yandl to accept the bid for the 2008-09 year, seconded by Jennifer Stout. All in favor.
7. Bids for Aspen tree removal and replacement with different trees are being requested by interested landscaping companies. Discussion regarding options between replacing all at once or over a matter of years was had. Will await quotes; research replacement tree options. Estimate of 30 trees in neighborhood. Tentative pricing is approx $250-350.00 to down each individual tree and almost as much to grind stump. Some savings could be found by doing a group at a time. Aspen trees are not a good choice for the neighborhood as they are aggressive growers and the shoots can block sewer lines, break foundations, etc. Many neighbors with these next to their property have complained of the shoots the trees grow out into lawns.
15402 70th Ave SE has had permission to remove some of the Aspens aligning her property. Discussion to be had with homeowner to change the replacement trees put in as the root base of current choice is shallow and unstable.
ACC Committee Report
1. Allen Kerr touched base with attorney Sherman Knight; will have a meeting with him later on to discuss ACC rules etc. and the feasibility to propose changes to CC&Rs and if appropriate to send out to general vote with dues in January. Such changes primarily focusing on clarification of boats and r.v. rules.
2. 15526 67th Dr. SE – not being kept up. Steve Yandl agreed to call and follow up with the rental agency to see what the status of the house was for selling and to clarify with the agency that the current owner’s have a responsibility to keep the outside of the house up to neighborhood standards.
3. Bill Steenis reported on his phone conversation with the discussion he had with the attorney for Mr. Jason Warner regarding rentals in Sector 2A at Snohomish Cascade HOA. The attorney stated that the letter was “not for picking a fight,” was not for generating a lawsuit situation and that there was no specific goal of the letter in fact. Bill Steenis asked if the attorney had read the CC&Rs, the attorney stated “yes”, when asked if he had read the rental agreement, the attorney stated “no.” That attorney stated he would call Mr. Steenis back and at the time of the meeting he was still awaiting a follow up phone call from the attorney. It was recommended to have a follow up letter mailed to the attorney; Bill Steenis agreed to send out the letter.
4. Amendment 4 has been recorded with the county. This amendment allows for the ACC committee to approve other specific brands of fiberglass architectural shingles for roofing materials. Steve Yandl proposed section 7 be added to the Rules and Procedures of the ACC that would read as follows:
7. Section 6.2.2 of the CC&Rs dealing with building materials originally limited the options for roofing materials to either cedar shakes or tiles. By affirmative vote of greater than a 75% majority of association member an Amendment 4 to the CC&Rs was approved and recorded on August 27, 2007. This amendment changed the sentence in Section 6.2.2 that gives approved roofing materials so that it now reads, “Roofing materials must be cedar shingle, shake, tile, or certain specific brands of fiberglass architectural singles as the Board may from time to time designate by rule as being appropriate.” In addition to cedar shingles or shake and concrete time, the following materials are approved as roofing materials.
7.1 Certain Teed presidential TL
Motion made by John Patterson to approve; seconded by Ron Lee. All were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:07pm.