7:00 PM TUESDAY MAY 14, 2008
1. Certificate of deposit for the long term capital fund has $46,625. We still owe that fund $8,645.00 from operating reserves; so grand total will be $55,270.
2. Operating reserves has $23,150. Checking currently has
$ 68,816.00 in it before taking out the $8,645.00 that needs to go to long term fund.
3. Checking account is approximately $4,280.00 behind our records at this time from last year. Few reasons for this as noted below:
A. 3 liens have been filed for outstanding homeowner association dues = a little over $1,000.00 outstanding.
B. Insurance was increased for better coverage this year, expending $1,500.00.
C. Over-seeding of ball field occurred early in spring this year; major expense last year was later in year. Cost = $3,000.00.
6. Audit in progress. Not sure if will be complete in time for May Annual meeting.
6. Notice of an outstanding painting advertisement sign in yard – homeowner will be notified needs to be removed.
7. Guimont rental situation continues – HOA has no copy of the sale agreement which was requested from their attorney. New people have been occupying the home this month. Will continue to monitor rental situation and be in discussion with our attorney regarding. Fines were initiated on May 6th at $100.00 a day – documented day new household began living in house.
8. Sharma rental situation also continues. At time of meeting HOA has not heard from the household. Will be in touch with our attorney regarding situation.
Yard of Merit
1. First monthly signs have been awarded.
Old Business
1. Thanks from the board to members John Patterson and Jennifer Stout who are stepping down after many years served.
New Business
1. Election process thus far has brought in 48 votes, many supporting board members that are staying on board. A few write ins for new people to fill open positions. Will wait and see at end of voting time and notify newly voted people and see who is interested n participating. These people will be invited to the June meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:26pm.
7:00 PM TUESDAY MAY 14, 2008
- Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Bill Steenis. In attendance were Steve Yandl, John Patterson, Trina Coleman, Bill Steenis, Jen Stout and Ron Lee. Meeting held at Totem Falls Elementary School Library for annual meeting. Early start to allow for HOA basics to be tended to prior to open floor meeting. Four other households represented.
- Minutes of the April meeting were presented. Motion made by John Patterson to accept the minutes as written, seconded by Trina Coleman, accepted unanimously.
- 4/28/08 closed meeting minutes confirmed on digital recording on file with Steve Yandl if required for documentation purposes through a court order.
1. Certificate of deposit for the long term capital fund has $46,625. We still owe that fund $8,645.00 from operating reserves; so grand total will be $55,270.
2. Operating reserves has $23,150. Checking currently has
$ 68,816.00 in it before taking out the $8,645.00 that needs to go to long term fund.
3. Checking account is approximately $4,280.00 behind our records at this time from last year. Few reasons for this as noted below:
A. 3 liens have been filed for outstanding homeowner association dues = a little over $1,000.00 outstanding.
B. Insurance was increased for better coverage this year, expending $1,500.00.
C. Over-seeding of ball field occurred early in spring this year; major expense last year was later in year. Cost = $3,000.00.
6. Audit in progress. Not sure if will be complete in time for May Annual meeting.
- Boat park concerns include possibly purchasing special sealant to allow graffiti to be washed off easily. Will pursue pricing on this and report at future time. Purchasing replacement parts for the boat toy was check on by Trina Coleman. $6-800.00 dollars for 4 replacement bubbles. Estimating small = $150.00, $200.00 for big bubbles. Also was recommended to check with a plastics company to look at purchasing a flat piece of round cut plastic to cover the holes. This would be a cheaper alternative. Discussion was held about just recovering the top holes and leaving the bottom holes open
- Little league use of the park has gone well this year. Port a potty is in place and secured. Extra garbage can seems to be helping control garbage issues. Overall it was commented that it appears the League is using the field less often this year.
- Mail box repairs have been completed. May look at having one that is broken re-welded together for future use as needed.
- Noted some new fence line that needs repair. Prior repairs have been painted.
- Block watch sign at corner of 152nd had rotted and fallen – motion made by Jen Stout to replace pole and sign, seconded by Steve Yandl. In favor majority, one no vote by John Patterson.
- Pavers addition to walkway between Sno Cascade and 72nd put on hold till further notice.
- Graffiti is currently under control. Will continue to monitor for an upsurge with school letting out soon.
- Outstanding shed concern of not being appropriate siding. Letter will be sent to homeowners.
- Multiple paint approvals done recently.
- Remodel to a second story approved.
- An outdoor stone fireplace approved.
6. Notice of an outstanding painting advertisement sign in yard – homeowner will be notified needs to be removed.
7. Guimont rental situation continues – HOA has no copy of the sale agreement which was requested from their attorney. New people have been occupying the home this month. Will continue to monitor rental situation and be in discussion with our attorney regarding. Fines were initiated on May 6th at $100.00 a day – documented day new household began living in house.
8. Sharma rental situation also continues. At time of meeting HOA has not heard from the household. Will be in touch with our attorney regarding situation.
Yard of Merit
1. First monthly signs have been awarded.
Old Business
1. Thanks from the board to members John Patterson and Jennifer Stout who are stepping down after many years served.
New Business
1. Election process thus far has brought in 48 votes, many supporting board members that are staying on board. A few write ins for new people to fill open positions. Will wait and see at end of voting time and notify newly voted people and see who is interested n participating. These people will be invited to the June meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:26pm.