7:00 PM TUESDAY September 1, 2009
1. We received a complaint from a homeowner in regards to a basketball hoop blocking a portion of the sidewalk. This is a county issue and not a Homeowner’s Association issue. Steve will send an email back letting the homeowner know that they we cannot do anything about this but that he can notify the county.
2. Board members will review the draft standard fine schedule and we will discuss during the next meeting.
7:00 PM TUESDAY September 1, 2009
- Bill Steenis called the meeting to order at 7:15pm. Present were Bill Steenis, Steve Yandl, Trina Coleman, Duane Oord and Joyce Bowan, Cheryl Carlson arrived late.
- Trina Coleman presented the Minutes from the July meeting. It was moved and seconded to accept the minutes as read. Motion carried 5 – 0.
- We are still awaiting the letter from Sherman Knight in order for the audit to be completed.
- We recently paid Director’s and Officer’s Insurance.
- Projecting out to the end of the year we should finish the year between $5,000 and $6,000 if all goes according to plan. There are several additional projects that we still need to complete for the year, including completing the barking and mulching on Sno-Cascade Drive.
- Steve spoke with an individual in regards to doing small fence repairs, rather than paying Towne and Country to replace full panels.
- The contract with Skinner Landscaping is expiring and he would like to renew the contract for two years with a 4% increase. The past two times we have put the contract out to bid and Skinner has always come back less then the other bidders by a significant amount. The 4% increase is equivalent to about $100 per year. It was moved and seconded to approve the contact with a four percent increase, this motion passed 5-0.
- CC&R Violations
- A letter was sent to the Furlan household in regards to the removal of a tree without board approval. The homeowner responded that he felt he did not need to seek approval because the tree was on his lot, he quoted a section of the CC&Rs, but it was quoted incorrectly. In addition to removing the tree without approval he also damaged common area property. We will send a letter to the Furlan’s telling them that we are in the process of receiving an estimate on the cost of repair for the common areas and that we will waive fines upon the condition that the he pay for the repairs to the common areas. In addition, we should remind him that any construction needs to be approved prior to commencing.
- Project Requests
- The board voted to approve the sun room for the homeowner who requested it, with the conditions that it be made of glass and not acrylic and that it be completed by the contractor he submitted on his request. Motion was made by Joyce Bowan and seconded by Steve Yandl.
- The Morrison’s had written a request in regards to removing two trees. We granted approval for the front tree which the PUD will remove. They claim there is also a tree in the greenbelt that looks to be dead and they would like to have the HOA remove the tree. Joyce will go by and look at the tree. However if they want us to cut the tree down, they need to get a certified arborist in to tell us the tree is hazardous. If they would like to cut the tree down themselves they are welcome to. If after the arborist states it is hazardous we will determine the cost/benefit of removing the tree.
- Yard of Merit
- The program is going well. We have had some very nice yards this month. Six new houses received signs this month.
- Rentals
- Warner – The house has sold and the title company was notified that the lien would not be released until they called and said that the money was in their hands. We will collect roughly $13,000 in fines.
- Guimont – No new action has been taken. When the money comes in from the Warner settlement let’s start the ball rolling with depositions at his earliest convenience.
- Sharma – No new action has been taken. When the money comes in from the Warner settlement lets tell Sherman to go ahead and file the lawsuit against the Sharma’s. Most likely the bank will step in and foreclose when the bank finds out that they sold a 1% interest in the house.
- It was moved by Steve Yandl and seconded by Joyce Bowan to move forward with the other two rentals as soon as we receive money from the Warner lien. This passed 6-0.
1. We received a complaint from a homeowner in regards to a basketball hoop blocking a portion of the sidewalk. This is a county issue and not a Homeowner’s Association issue. Steve will send an email back letting the homeowner know that they we cannot do anything about this but that he can notify the county.
2. Board members will review the draft standard fine schedule and we will discuss during the next meeting.