- Duane Oord called the meeting to order at 7:10pm. Present were Duane Oord, Steve Yandl, Nicole Klages, Joyce Bowen, Suzan Miller, Tim Rizzo, and Evan Adolf.
- Steve Yandl presented the minutes of the May 1, 2012 annual meeting of the HOA. There were no questions or changes and the minutes were accepted with a unanimous vote.
- Steve Yandl announced the results of the just concluded election for new directors. There were 91 ballots returned by mail so we had a quorum. Members elected were candidates Duane Oord, Suzan Miller, Don Jordan and Steve Yandl along with write-in candidates Tim Rizzo, Joyce Bowen and Nicole Klages. Nicole had concerns about time availability for meetings because of her work schedule but all those elected were willing to serve on the board. Evan Adolf agreed to continue to assist the board or committees on projects as his schedule allowed.
- After discussion on who was willing to serve in various capacities, by unanimous vote, Suzan Miller was elected president, Joyce Bowen vice president and Steve Yandl secretary and treasurer.
- By unanimous agreement, Steve Yandl will chair the architectural control committee and both Joyce Bowen and Tim Rizzo will be members of the committee.
- By unanimous agreement, Steve Yandl will chair the maintenance committee and Don Jordan will be a member of the committee. Evan Adolf, though not on the board any longer will assist with committee projects.
- Steve Yandl reported on the current financial status of the HOA. There is $71,594 in checking (operation expenses) but the long term reserve fund is owed $19,266 ($9,880 for regular annual contribution and $9,386 special assessment to partially replenish funds borrowed to pay legal expenses) leaving $52,328 available for expenses. There is $4,805 in the operational reserve (money market savings). There is $44,918 in the long term reserve (certificate of deposit) but after the required transfer from 2012 assessments this amount will be $64,184.
- With new directors and officers there was a discussion on who should be on the signature card at Whidbey Island Bank in addition to Steve Yandl. By unanimous agreement it was decided the signature card should include
- Steve Yandl
- Joyce Bowen,
- Suzan Miller
- Nicole Klages
- Steve Yandl
- Steve Yandl shared the reserve fund analysis prepared by Bill Steenis prior to his departure from the board of directors. The quotations from two fence companies and the assessments of our detention ponds by Snohomish County Surface Water Management are a good starting point. However, the analysis doesn’t come close to satisfying the requirements for a proper reserve fund analysis given in RCW 64.38.070. Steve Yandl will begin work on a draft reserve fund analysis using Bill’s work as a starting point. The new board will review assumptions made at some future meeting and decide whether to finalize the analysis or hire a professional to do the analysis.
- Steve Yandl reported on maintenance issues. Two sprinkler valves required repair when the system was turned on and may ultimately require replacement. There was a discussion on getting sprinkler system problems spotted and reported in a more timely manner so we can limit the amount of wasted water we pay for.
- A mailbox on 150th Place SE was destroyed by a car crashing into it. Steve Yandl is working with the driver’s insurance carrier, Allstate, to recover the almost $1,400 spent to replace the locking mailbox that served 11 homeowners.
- We will look for an update on options for repairing the step to the boat toy from Don Jordan at the next meeting (Don had a schedule conflict with work and couldn’t attend this meeting).
- Sections of common area fence at both extremes of the neighborhood (north and south) are in need of repair as well as most of the fence along the south edge of the detention pond in the NW corner of Sector 2A. Steve Yandl will ask Town and Country Fence to replace the detention pond section with cyclone fence of the same time used for the pond in the NE corner and to also provide an estimate for the sections along Snohomish Cascade Drive. Board members voiced concern that Skinner Landscape hasn’t painted sections of fence repaired last year but Steve Yandl indicated we haven’t really insisted that he paint those portions right away. There was also some discussion on ways to extend the longevity of existing fence panels by educating owners who are adjacent to the fence.
- There were several inquiries on paint colors but the only approval request the past month was for the Adolf house. Their paint color scheme was approved.
- Cindy Steenis sent in a report of a single parked trailer. The situation will be watched.
- Washington Federal Savings was notified on the lawn on their owned property and the lawn has now been mowed and flowerbeds weeded.
- Steve Yandl reported that with the conclusion of the insurance company settlement with the Sharma family, we are through with all our legal disputes over unapproved rentals. There was a recap of lessons learned and an outline of the strategy to be taken of there is ever again an unapproved rental.
- There was no new business for consideration but Steve Yandl made some general announcements.
- County Parks indicates there will be a Navy flyover on July 4 morning and we might try to coordinate the kids bike parade which is concluding at the park so the kids can enjoy the thrill of the flyover as part of their event.
- The activity at the Silver Lake Water property between 152nd Street and 154th Street and Snohomish Cascade Drive is the addition of a bunker and metered valve to allow extraction of water from the Clearview Project water supply (the reservoir jointly owned by Silver Lake Water, Alderwood Water and Cross Valley Water).
- County Parks indicates there will be a Navy flyover on July 4 morning and we might try to coordinate the kids bike parade which is concluding at the park so the kids can enjoy the thrill of the flyover as part of their event.