7 P.M. TUESDAY MAY 5, 2015
Steve Yandl, Secretary
7 P.M. TUESDAY MAY 5, 2015
- Suzan Miller called the meeting to order at 7:07pm. Present were directors Suzan Miller, Steve Yandl, Tim Day, Nicole Klages and Tom Mooney. Also present were members/homeowners Dick and Judy Tickle, Jerry and Karen Davis, Jim Pelkmans and Richard Kaas. There were enough directors present for a quorum of the board of directors and since the Board has 138 proxies from membership there was also a quorum of the membership.
- Minutes of the April 2015 meeting were presented and unanimously approved by the directors present.
- Steve Yandl reported on current financial status and forecast through the end of 2014.
- Currently $98,498 in checking. There still needs to be a transfer to the long term reserve of $14,460 which represents the regular transfer plus the special assessment (next to last year) less the amount spent on fence in 2014. We’ve collected assessment from all but about 25 members.
- There is $70,712 in the long term reserve. After the transfer, we will have $85,172.
- We have $5,694 in operational reserve.
- Currently $98,498 in checking. There still needs to be a transfer to the long term reserve of $14,460 which represents the regular transfer plus the special assessment (next to last year) less the amount spent on fence in 2014. We’ve collected assessment from all but about 25 members.
- There are still 10 members not paid for 2015. Invoices will be sent certified with advice that claims of lien will be filed in approximately 2 weeks if payment is still not received.
- Steve Yandl provided an overview of fence plans per the reserve analysis. Phase 1 of the fence replacement project will commence midsummer this year.
- Tom Mooney and Tim Day reported on the status of toys at the boat park.
- Repairs have been made to the “bridge” portion of the toy at the boat park but more could be done to the padding that is peeling away.
- Drainage will be addressed by digging down and providing a conduit for water under the timber surrounds.
- Steve Yandl will contact Little League regarding maintenance of the infield area of the ball field. If work isn’t due to commence soon, Steve Yandl will discuss with Skinner the options for his crew weeding, dealing with drainage and dragging the soil to provide a flat playing surface.
- Repairs have been made to the “bridge” portion of the toy at the boat park but more could be done to the padding that is peeling away.
- Replacement locks for new type boxes run around $20 compared to roughly $6 for locks on the old type.
- Fines against Aziz Mohammad continue to accrue.
- A number of projects requested in the previous month were approved.
- Suzan Miller– Roof replacement
- Holtgeerts – Tree trimming
- McCann/Aksdal – Roof replacement
- Buchanan – Roof replacement
- Suzan Miller– Roof replacement
- Paint requests are anticipated but non received so far this year.
- A few non compliance letters will likely be required this year but not sent so far.
- Votes have been received from a few dozen members but final count isn’t until the end of May.
- Jim Pelkmans appealed for consideration of assisting with fence repairs for the portion of fence adjoining the tot play area on 72nd Drive. The HOA has always insisted on fence bordering the play area being painted an acceptable color but based on arguments made by former director Bill Steenis (also an adjoining property owner) that this portion of fence isn’t commonly owned HOA fence, we have historically treated this fence as the property of individual homeowners. Jim’s proposal was for a 50/50 split of costs on replacement of badly damaged sections. After discussion, it was decided that individual homeowners would continue to be responsible for maintenance of those sections, however, as common area fence along Snohomish Cascade Drive is replaced we will try to make salvageable lumber from old fence available to Pelkmans and others bordering the tot play area to be utilized in repairing portions of fence.
- Several members expressed interest in placing speed bumps on 72nd Drive just south of where it veers into 150th Place to control inattentive and speeding drivers. Steve Yandl will research with Public Works and see if there is a chance for an HOA/County cost sharing to make the change feasible. There was further discussion of poor driving by some neighborhood residents.
Steve Yandl, Secretary