7 P.M. TUESDAY MAY 3, 2016
Steve Yandl, Secretary
7 P.M. TUESDAY MAY 3, 2016
- Suzan Miller called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.Present were directors Suzan Miller, Steve Yandl, Tim Day, Rick Sallee, Tom Mooney, Nicole Klages and Ralph Kouri.Also present were members/homeowners Dick and Judy Tickle, Bill Malowney, Tim and Kelly Sooter, Patrick and Lilian Kaufer, Rhett Mathis, Bill and Cindy Steenis, DeDi Brown and Barbara Yandl.There were enough directors present for a quorum of the board of directors and since the Board has 141 proxies from membership there was also a quorum of the membership.
- Minutes of the April 2016 meeting were presented and unanimously approved by the directors present.
- Suzan Miller alerted those in attendance that an audio recording was being made of the meeting as is the case for all annual meetings and monthly board of directors’ meetings.
- Steve Yandl reported on current financial status and forecast through the end of 2016.
- Currently $58,205 in checking.
- There is $50,826 in the long term reserve.After the transfer, we will have $85,172.After the invoice for phase 3 of fence replacement is paid, we will be moving approximately $34k from the reserve to the checking account and not making a contribution to the reserve fund in the current year (per the long term reserve analysis).
- We have $5,698 in operational reserve.
- There are still 9 members not paid for 2016.Invoices will be sent certified with advice that claims of lien will be filed in approximately 4 weeks if payment is still not received.
- Steve Yandl announced that phase 3 (final phase) of fence replacement along Snohomish Cascade Drive would commence in about a week.All impacted homeowners were notified in writing and will be updated by email so we can minimize any inconvenience.
- Steve Yandl reminded everyone that we still have some fence bordering a detention pond (NE corner) that needs to be converted from wood to chain link.Hopefully we can complete this in the current year or 2017.
- Steve Yandl addressed concerns over inadequate maintenance of the common areas by Skinner Landscape.Skinner has had some staffing issues which are being addressed and we have Brian Skinner’s assurance that the common areas will be up to usual standards by the end of May.
- The only potential large capital expense remaining now that the fence is complete are the mailboxes, most of which are still the old style that we gradually want to update.
- The Sooters pointed out the downed block watch sign adjacent to their property.Steve Yandl provided county contact information and Kelly said she would try to email them.
- Bill Steenis inquired on the weed situation along Puget Park Drive.The property belongs to either Public Works (south of road) or Parks (north of road).
- Lillian Kaufer made an inquiry about a tree concerning them that is growing in the NGPA adjacent to their property.Steve Yandl advised that the first step would be to get an arborist determine if the tree is hazardous.
- A number of projects requested in the previous month were approved.
- Newton - Fence
- Zingleman - Fence
- Gregg – Roof in Presidential TL, also made an inquiry about non wood siding (no go on siding that isn’t wood)
- Scott – Roof in Presidential TL
- Kell Anderson – Patio cover
- Harbak – Sidewalk adjacent to house (side lot line)
- Will – Roofing in Presidential TL
- Guimont – Paint color for house
- Request made by homeowner Alipio for a temporary patio cover with support elements in aluminum, walls and top in mesh.Since it isn’t wood it didn’t warrant automatic approval. After discussion, based on the temporary nature of the structure, low height and out of sight location the committee unanimously approved the structure.
- Tim and Kelly Sooter wanted to contest a fine that had been assessed for the amount of time it took them to remedy a situation where they had gotten approval for roof replacement with Presidential Shakes but Landscape Shakes were actually installed.At the time of this meeting, corrective action has been completed.
- Tim Sooter presented his arguments for the board dropping the fine.
- Praised the Board and stated he appreciate a strong board.
- Stated that they had planned on Presidential but chose a color only available in Landmark and mistakenly indicated to the contractor that Landscape shake were also approved.
- Said that when the board alerted them to the error they were only given a month to remedy the error.He said that because of the wettest winter weather ever roofers had backlogs and a month was not sufficient.
- Asked several neighbors in attendance whether the incorrect roof was an eyesore and those asked responded that it wasn’t.
- Tim had responded that he admitted guilt but requested 90 days to get the replacement roof completed.
- Said he requested a hearing but claims they were not previously afforded a hearing.
- Discussion about the concerns the board had that the Sooters were planning to move based on Kelly’s statements in an email stating that they were.
- Debate with directors regarding the appropriateness of $300 per day as a fine, insistence on the time frame, whether or not there had been a plan to move, what sort of hearing is required by the RCW before fines imposed, what the lawyer they hired actually worked on and other related issues.
- Sooters asked why they were not invited to the meeting where the discussion on fines was made.Responses were given.
- Tim pointed out that “Kelly speaks in hyperbole”.Consequently, he argues we should have asked him to clarify whether or not they were really moving.Suzan Miller responded that when Kelly spoke to the board she was speaking for both of them.
- Rick Sallee inquired why they lawyered up right away rather than quickly contact the contractor in February when they were first notified of the error.Tim Sooter responded that he was overwhelmed with his software business demands so turned the discovery actions over to the lawyer.
- Tim Sooter claimed that when he showed his lawyer the exchanges with the board, the lawyer told him he needed to stop being 100% honest and Tim “fired him on the spot”.
- Suzan Miller pointed out that Sooters were notified in early February about the issue but didn’t ask for a hearing until after mid-March.
- Bill Malowney asked for the floor and explained why he thought the fine should remain.Bill’s concern was setting a precedent for not actually collecting fines and how that would negatively impact the board’s ability to enforce rules.
- Rhett Mathis asked for the floor and spoke in support of the Sooters.
- After more discussion, no motion was made to drop the fine.Tim Sooter asked if the lack of a motion meant that there would be no consideration of dropping the fine.All directors and officers stated that was the case.
- Tim Sooter presented his arguments for the board dropping the fine.
- Spring election for the new board is just beginning so there were no meaningful results to share at the time of the meeting.Ballots have been distributed.
- Suzan Miller asked if there were any issues from the membership.No additional issues raised.
Steve Yandl, Secretary