1. John Parkin called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present were Steve Yandl, John Parkin and Tim Day. This was enough for a quorum.
2. Minutes of the August meeting were reviewed and approved.
1. Steve Yandl reported on current financial status.
a. Currently $94,257 in the checking account (operational funds).
b. There is $16,890 in the long-term reserve.
c. We have $5,703 in operational reserve.
d. A transfer of $18,525 will be made from operating fund to the long-term reserve (plus added funs after long term capital expenditures planned for the current year are completed).
2. With new board members, we need a new signature card at Heritage Bank. The new signature card will include; Steve Yandl, Nicole Klages, Tim Day, John Parkin and Bill Steenis.
3. Steve Yandl will attempt to complete updates to the reserve analysis for review and approval at the August meeting.
4. Audit of 2017 finances will be initiated as soon as possible after reserve analysis has been updated.
1. In response to our discussion with Brian Skinner at the August meeting, Brian provided a spreadsheet with some details of his cost increases.
a. Meet in Executive Session
i. A significant portion of the data provided in Skinner’s spreadsheet was proprietary information for his company. Though he provided the spreadsheet without attached restrictions on our use, it was felt that sharing this information outside the board would provide his competitors with an unreasonable advantage when bidding against him and provide no benefit to our members.
ii. The only topic discussed in executive session was the provided spreadsheet and Skinner’s proposal that he would like to increase our contract pricing 5% in 2019 and an additional 4% in 2010.
iii. At the end of the executive session, we discussed proposed increases in open session and approved a counter proposal of 3% increase in 2018 and an additional 3% in 2019. Should this counter proposal be rejected, we would still have time to put out a request for bids on our landscape maintenance contract before the current contract ends December 31, 2018.
2. We will attempt to upgrade 6 or 7 mailboxes this year using long term reserve fund.
3. We still need to get play chips spread in the play areas.
4. The tunnel tube at the board park has a new gaping hole that needs to be evaluated and repaired as soon as possible.
a. Nicole Klages had said at the August meeting she would research some options for our deteriorating play equipment. We will check with Nicole at the October meeting to see what she has discovered.
b. Boat park also has missing garbage cans inside the inserts that need to be replaced so we don’t have accumulations of trash that don’t get picked up by Waste Management.
5. We’re investigating to see if we can install bollards to close off the parking area at the boat park, at least after dark unless a special event is planned.
6. Washington Tree and Lawn came out to perform a lawn maintenance service to apply herbicide which wasn’t done in their previous visit. This treatment was at no charge with the understanding we would pay the previous invoice for fertilizer application (that we didn’t really need or order) once we were satisfied the appropriate treatment was complete. Hopefully, our relationship with Washington Tree and Lawn will go as smoothly as our previous relationship with Turfs Up.
7. Skinner will meet with Kenny Tree arborist to determine which birch trees need to be removed due to infestation of bronze birch borer beetle. Anticipated cost in the range of $4k to $6k. Work will be ordered asap so it is completed prior to next spring.
1. Homeowner request for projects.
a. Dhondt – Paint colors approved.
b. McQuoid – Tree removal approved.
c. McQuoid(2) – Extension of a portion of roof overhang over the garage doors was requested. Pictures and product description were reviewed and discussed and approved.
d. Olafson – Trailer storage curbside as a temporary measure while work was being done on the house was approved.
e. Penoyer – Fence replacement along gravel path was approved. They also have concerns about the grading of the trail; HOA will stay in communication and determine if trail maintenance is called for.
f. Vandersanden– New owner not yet moved in reached out to determine what our restrictions were on wood play sets in yards. As long as they follow the advice provided, it’s anticipated their play set will be approved when the request is formally made.
g. Buchanan – Variance provided to allow trailer to remain parked in the driveway for a full week.
h. Toberer – Paint color for door only was approved.
2. Complaints, CC&R violations
a. Steve Yandl is aware of several yard issues and parking issues and will get letters sent as he finds time.
b. Several homeowners have left boats parked in driveways for an unreasonable amount of time. Letters will be sent to remind these owners of the policy and if that fails to get results 5 day notices and potential fines will follow.
1. The bookkeeper would like us to set up a debit card for auto payments for her invoices. This runs a bit counter to our requirement for double signature on all payments although it is something that could be monitored. Steve Yandl will investigate further and make a recommendation at a later meeting. Another option being considered would be ACH payment which would be acceptable but require monitoring by the board.
Steve Yandl, Secretary
1. John Parkin called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present were Steve Yandl, John Parkin and Tim Day. This was enough for a quorum.
2. Minutes of the August meeting were reviewed and approved.
1. Steve Yandl reported on current financial status.
a. Currently $94,257 in the checking account (operational funds).
b. There is $16,890 in the long-term reserve.
c. We have $5,703 in operational reserve.
d. A transfer of $18,525 will be made from operating fund to the long-term reserve (plus added funs after long term capital expenditures planned for the current year are completed).
2. With new board members, we need a new signature card at Heritage Bank. The new signature card will include; Steve Yandl, Nicole Klages, Tim Day, John Parkin and Bill Steenis.
3. Steve Yandl will attempt to complete updates to the reserve analysis for review and approval at the August meeting.
4. Audit of 2017 finances will be initiated as soon as possible after reserve analysis has been updated.
1. In response to our discussion with Brian Skinner at the August meeting, Brian provided a spreadsheet with some details of his cost increases.
a. Meet in Executive Session
i. A significant portion of the data provided in Skinner’s spreadsheet was proprietary information for his company. Though he provided the spreadsheet without attached restrictions on our use, it was felt that sharing this information outside the board would provide his competitors with an unreasonable advantage when bidding against him and provide no benefit to our members.
ii. The only topic discussed in executive session was the provided spreadsheet and Skinner’s proposal that he would like to increase our contract pricing 5% in 2019 and an additional 4% in 2010.
iii. At the end of the executive session, we discussed proposed increases in open session and approved a counter proposal of 3% increase in 2018 and an additional 3% in 2019. Should this counter proposal be rejected, we would still have time to put out a request for bids on our landscape maintenance contract before the current contract ends December 31, 2018.
2. We will attempt to upgrade 6 or 7 mailboxes this year using long term reserve fund.
3. We still need to get play chips spread in the play areas.
4. The tunnel tube at the board park has a new gaping hole that needs to be evaluated and repaired as soon as possible.
a. Nicole Klages had said at the August meeting she would research some options for our deteriorating play equipment. We will check with Nicole at the October meeting to see what she has discovered.
b. Boat park also has missing garbage cans inside the inserts that need to be replaced so we don’t have accumulations of trash that don’t get picked up by Waste Management.
5. We’re investigating to see if we can install bollards to close off the parking area at the boat park, at least after dark unless a special event is planned.
6. Washington Tree and Lawn came out to perform a lawn maintenance service to apply herbicide which wasn’t done in their previous visit. This treatment was at no charge with the understanding we would pay the previous invoice for fertilizer application (that we didn’t really need or order) once we were satisfied the appropriate treatment was complete. Hopefully, our relationship with Washington Tree and Lawn will go as smoothly as our previous relationship with Turfs Up.
7. Skinner will meet with Kenny Tree arborist to determine which birch trees need to be removed due to infestation of bronze birch borer beetle. Anticipated cost in the range of $4k to $6k. Work will be ordered asap so it is completed prior to next spring.
1. Homeowner request for projects.
a. Dhondt – Paint colors approved.
b. McQuoid – Tree removal approved.
c. McQuoid(2) – Extension of a portion of roof overhang over the garage doors was requested. Pictures and product description were reviewed and discussed and approved.
d. Olafson – Trailer storage curbside as a temporary measure while work was being done on the house was approved.
e. Penoyer – Fence replacement along gravel path was approved. They also have concerns about the grading of the trail; HOA will stay in communication and determine if trail maintenance is called for.
f. Vandersanden– New owner not yet moved in reached out to determine what our restrictions were on wood play sets in yards. As long as they follow the advice provided, it’s anticipated their play set will be approved when the request is formally made.
g. Buchanan – Variance provided to allow trailer to remain parked in the driveway for a full week.
h. Toberer – Paint color for door only was approved.
2. Complaints, CC&R violations
a. Steve Yandl is aware of several yard issues and parking issues and will get letters sent as he finds time.
b. Several homeowners have left boats parked in driveways for an unreasonable amount of time. Letters will be sent to remind these owners of the policy and if that fails to get results 5 day notices and potential fines will follow.
1. The bookkeeper would like us to set up a debit card for auto payments for her invoices. This runs a bit counter to our requirement for double signature on all payments although it is something that could be monitored. Steve Yandl will investigate further and make a recommendation at a later meeting. Another option being considered would be ACH payment which would be acceptable but require monitoring by the board.
Steve Yandl, Secretary