7 P.M. TUESDAY APRIL 2, 2019
Steve Yandl, Secretary
7 P.M. TUESDAY APRIL 2, 2019
- Nicole Klages called the meeting to order at 7:02pm. Present were board members Nicole Klages, Steve Yandl, Bill Steenis, John Alleman, Matt Hale and Tim Day. This was enough for a quorum; all board members were present for this meeting. Also attending was member, Tanya Edwards, who was invited to share her ideas for improvements to our deteriorating tot play areas.
- Minutes of the March 2019 meeting were reviewed and approved.
- Steve Yandl reported on current financial status.
- Currently $133,376 in the checking account (operational funds), plus 5 checks totaling $1,282 ready to be deposited.
- There is $16,902 in the long-term reserve.
- We have $5,706 in operational reserve.
- We have 9 members who have not yet paid the 2019 assessment and several who paid late but didn’t include payment for the interest owed.
- A transfer of $31,025 will be made from operating fund to the long-term reserve. After long term expenses made in 2017 there should have been a transfer of $12,500 to the long-term reserve but funds were left in checking to facilitate spending on new mailbox units (which has not happened). There is also a transfer of $18.525 for the 2018-year contribution to the long-term reserve. The total is $31,025 which will be partly spent on mailboxes; the remainder to be moved to the CD. In addition, once 2019 collections are complete, an additional $12,500 transfer is due although it may be reduced if we complete playground upgrades with funding from the reserve account.
- The reserve analysis will need further review and a revision if we decide to replace play equipment instead of repair or demolish it.
- We’re behind on our mailbox upgrades but existing old boxes are holding up for the time being.
- Steve Yandl distributed a proposed ballot proposal requesting that after any revisions we approve including this measure on the spring ballot for a new board of directors.
- Please vote on which general course you want the homeowners’ association to follow in addressing the deteriorating climbing equipment at the boat park and the tot lot on 72nd Drive.
- Option (1) – Do repairs as needed to keep the equipment safe and usable. When repairs are not possible, remove the equipment and either decommission the play areas or replace with something like additional picnic tables.
- Option (2) – Replace the dilapidated equipment with new equipment. Do a special assessment to fund the project in the near term.
- Option (3) – Revise the long-term reserve analysis and increase the budget sufficiently so new equipment could be installed in 5 or 6 years.
- Option (4) – Set up a community build where neighborhood volunteers could do some of the labor replacing the equipment to lower costs. Once actual costs are determined, change the budget so the improvement could be funded in the next 4 or 5 years.
- There was unanimous approval to put the measure on the May ballot.
- Please vote on which general course you want the homeowners’ association to follow in addressing the deteriorating climbing equipment at the boat park and the tot lot on 72nd Drive.
- There was unanimous approval to move forward with the proposal from Kyle Woods to address drainage problems, play chip replacement, and limited play equipment repairs on the tot play areas at the boat park. Whatever decisions are made for the equipment in the long term, the drainage problems need to be addressed and safety issues must be addressed, even if that means doing work that will be undone if the equipment is replaced in a few years.
- Steve Yandl has asked Skinner to give a quote on what it would cost us to remove and dispose of the two small trash receptacles at the boat park that are currently non-functioning and mostly stuffed with dog feces.
- A wasp nest has been spotted in the support pipes of the play equipment on 72nd Drive. Tanya Edwards affixed a warning sign to let parents and kids know of the danger. We will need to contact a pest company to get rid of it unless some volunteer(s) step in.
- After continued discussion with Steve Gowin and other homeowners concerned about various trees in the greenbelt, Steve Yandl has repeatedly reminded owners that when the tree is not an obvious hazard to all the written opinion of a certified arborist or forester is needed before the HOA will consider removing the tree at HOA expense. This is in accordance with the CC&Rs. Many opinions from tree removal companies have been forwarded to the HOA but nothing from any certified experts yet.
- Homeowner request for projects.
- Mullan– Paint request, landscape, path lighting – all approved.
- Wise – Roof replacement with Presidential shakes was approved.
- Schmidt – Approval to remove (hand removal preferred over herbicides) blackberry canes growing onto property from adjacent HOA owned NGPA
- Scott and Simicich – Approval of fence plans (one segment is shared by both owners, plan is to replace both fences entirely)
- Birn – Guidance requested on parameters for fences, sheds and small tree removal. No actual requests for approval made at this point.
- Duitsman – Request to be allowed to have the company ‘Dream Turf’ install synthetic lawn in the back yard of the Duitsman property. Sample and literature were provided for ACC review.
- The product looks very natural and merits were obvious. There are some potential downsides, more for the homeowner than the HOA but the ACC was primarily focused on problems that could degrade appearance over time if there was a lack of appropriate maintenance.
- The ACC unanimously approved the product for the Duitsman back yard. There is no intent to allow this or similar products for front yards, nor does the ACC want to suggest that future requests for backyard installations will automatically be approved. Future requests will be reviewed with consideration to how visible the installation will be to adjoining neighbors, the specific product being used and the company doing the installation.
- Complaints, CC&R violations
- Tim Day has indicated he doesn’t wish to run for an additional term this May but would be willing to assist with projects as a non-board member as needs arise. All other current directors will be listed on the May ballot.
- Steve Yandl has reserved the Totem Falls Elementary School library for the HOA annual meeting on May 7 at 7pm. All school district paperwork has been sent in as well as the required certificate of insurance coverage.
Steve Yandl, Secretary