Steve Yandl, Secretary
- Matt Hale called the meeting to order at 7:05pm. Present were Matt Hale, Nicole Klages, John Alleman, Tanya Edwards, Bill Steenis, David Divoky and Steve Yandl. The entire board was present; we had a quorum.
- Minutes of the October 2019 meeting were reviewed and approved.
- Steve Yandl reported on current financial status.
- Currently $74,409 in the checking account (operational funds).
- There is $16,915 in the long-term reserve.
- We have $5,708 in operational reserve.
- A transfer of $31,025 (less any amounts spent on items included in the long-term reserve analysis) for amounts that should have been moved to the reserve CD plus $12,525(planned contribution to reserve from the 2019 assessment). The total transfer would be $43,525. It’s likely we will replace several mailbox units and possibly invest in playground equipment replacements in the current year so the transfer may be reduced.
- With anticipated bills through end of year, including payment for our annual audit and the new reserve analysis, we should complete the year with around $7,500 remaining in checking which can be used to bolster our operational reserve (in anticipation of extra 2020 expenses to address drainage problems in the boat park play area after new equipment is installed).
- Proposals for a professional reserve study from ‘Reserve Data Analyst’ and ‘Pacific Crest Reserves’ were discussed and compared. There was a unanimous decision to hire ‘Reserve Data Analyst’ out of Bellevue with a full study in the current year costing $1,850.
- There was unanimous agreement to once again use McGoorty Eisenmann to perform our audit of 2018 fiscal year finances.
- Steve Yandl distributed copies of the proposed 2020 budget which, if approved, would raise the assessment from $400 per year to $450 per year. Copies of the proposed budget will be placed on the web page as well as the printed newsletter for review by the membership. There was unanimous approval to present the new budget to the membership for ratification and move forward with collection of the $450 annual assessment on January 1, 2020.
- Steve Yandl shared some concerns regarding our bookkeeper. The concern is that reconciling of accounts is being done as a large batch of work rather than a month to month balancing so even though the records are correct, errors might not be identified as early as possible. There has been some turnover so the issue may be corrected but Steve will be spending more time on oversight.
- Steve Yandl has set up the mobile application for our Heritage Bank accounts which will allow making deposits that are less than $2,500 by taking a smartphone picture rather than having to go to the bank. This won’t help with large deposits during collection of assessments but will be a big time saver for handling small checks like the $50 transfer fees from title companies.
- A new signature card still needs to be prepared at Heritage Bank.
- Sprinkler systems have mostly been shut down and blown out except for one zone along Snohomish Cascade Drive where Skinner Landscape needs to repair a slow leak before shutting things down for winter.
- We have paid the $1,600 advance for bark mulch along Snohomish Cascade Drive. Skinner Landscape is holding off on the actual work until most of the leaves have fallen and been cleaned up, so we don’t end up disposing new mulch along with leaves.
- Much of the demolition work of the play toys at the boat park has been completed except the large support members and concrete footings. The owner of Bob’s Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze has partnered with our contractor and will assist in final removal and repair the equipment for utilization at his farm, so it won’t end up in the landfill.
- David Divoky made a commitment to take the lead and handle replacement of post boxes (cluster box units) for upgrades. Steve Yandl explained that we lacked funding to do upgrades on all the old-style boxes at once and provided a quick overview of the upgrade process to convince everyone that attempting to replace too many boxes at once could create a confusing mess and aggravate impacted members. The cluster box units most urgently needing to be replaced based on comments from the post office are those in front of 15422 70th Avenue, 6805 156th Street and 6802 154th Place. Steve Yandl reported there is a new liaison person at the post office to work with when we do coordinate box upgrades between post office, contractor, and impacted customers.
- Question was asked on whether we had ever considered addressing the post holes in the concrete that remain from the old wood kiosks the developer placed for conventional mailboxes. Steve Yandl will place something in the newsletter to encourage individual owners to do some sort of concrete repair if they feel they have the skills, both for safety and aesthetics.
- Tanya Edwards provided information on available options for replacement toy equipment for the boat park. She feels we need to get our new reserve study done so we have a firm budget number before she can realistically put together a plan.
- Depending on when reserve study is complete, we can finalize a budget for new equipment at the December or January meeting.
- Ball park range would be $35k to $45k for full install. Work party of 12 to 15 people for an 8-hour shift could significantly reduce HOA cost.
- Goal is to complete install by April. Drainage will need to be addressed and then new timber and new play chips.
- Homeowner request for projects.
- Toberer – Paint colors and reposition of fence approved.
- Mooney – Paint color scheme approved.
- Jenks – Roof replacement, Presidential TL approved.
- McLaughlin – General inquiry on home business. No details or formal request available yet so no decision.
- Complaints, CC&R violations
- The suggestion was made that we should write a letter to the owners of 15416 70th Avenue, where their “energetic” dogs have done fence damage while menacing pedestrians and other dogs walking along Snohomish Cascade Drive to let them know they will ultimately be assessed for repairs to the fence.
- Steve Yandl expressed some frustration that the current edition is way past due because he has had limited time to work on it.
- Bill Steenis continues to contact County Public Works to keep pressure on for an evaluation that might result in speed bumps where 72nd Drive feeds to 150th Place.
- Tanya Edwards volunteered that she had the skillset and a willingness to take over the web site if Steve Yandl felt that would help lighten his HOA workload.
Steve Yandl, Secretary