7 P.M. TUESDAY JUNE 2, 2020
Because Governor Inslee ordered residents to stay at home in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting was conducted using Zoom, hosted by John Alleman. Most reports were distributed in advance by email.
Steve Yandl, Secretary
7 P.M. TUESDAY JUNE 2, 2020
Because Governor Inslee ordered residents to stay at home in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting was conducted using Zoom, hosted by John Alleman. Most reports were distributed in advance by email.
- Matt Hale called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present on Zoom conference were John Alleman (hosting Zoom meeting), Matt Hale, Steve Yandl, David Divoky, Tanya Edwards and Bill Steenis.
- Minutes of the May 2020 meeting were reviewed and approved.
- Steve Yandl reported on current financial status.
- Currently $111,547 in the checking account (operational funds).
- There is $16,923 in the long-term reserve.
- We have $5,709 in operational reserve.
- Before receiving our professionally prepared reserve analysis, the plan was to transfer $62,075 from checking to the long-term reserve ($43,550 owed from previous years and current planned contribution of $18,525) and moving $13,390 to the operational reserve. Last month, the board approved attempting the recommended funding levels from the study which means a target in our reserve account of $106k. That will require $89k to be moved from checking to reserve. This will require that the $13,390 budgeted to go to the operational reserve will go to the capital reserve instead and reductions in the landscape improvements and landscape repairs budget lines.
- There are a few homeowners who underpaid interest and still owe small amounts on the 2020 assessment, but we have collected from 246 out of 247 members.
- Once new officers are selected, we will determine who should be on a new signature card at the bank. Hopefully with COVID-19 restrictions the bank will be willing to mail the paperwork rather than have us come in to sign the new card.
- Backflow certification for our four meters has been ordered through A-BAT.
- The mailbox upgrade project has been completed and all keys distributed.
- Weed control and Caseron application ordered and completed for the infield area at the boat park ball field.
- Tanya Edwards passed along information from a neighbor on graffiti found on several signs. Steve Yandl suggested WD-40 or mineral spirits with a microfiber cloth to remove the graffiti from metal signs. Matt Hale mentioned graffiti on the utility boxes at the corner of the boat park.
- David commented on a recently downed sign near the intersection of Snohomish Cascade Drive and 155th Place SE.
- Tanya continues to work on getting definitive information from the contractor who will install new play toys at the boat park. They have indicated they would provide 5 or 6 people, but it isn’t clear how many HOA members would be needed for an efficient community build. The community build will be problematic until COVID-19 restrictions are lifted or at least eased.
- David suggested setting up a community garden in the general vicinity previously occupied by the toy boat at the boat park. Nobody was opposed to the idea. David will put together a proposal to be reviewed at a future meeting.
- Homeowner request for projects.
- Rajen Kishna – Shed plan approved.
- Thurstonson – Shed plan disapproved.
- Pelkmans – Patio overhand cover, initially proposed to be attached to the house, secondary proposal submitted as a standalone structure – Both proposals approved.
- Sang and Bok Lee – Paint colors for house approved.
- Waldal – Tree removals approved.
- Tanya mentioned she had received a proposal from Jim and Jan Laird via facebook messenger. Neither Steve nor John had seen the proposal so Tanya will forward it.
- Complaints, CC&R violations
- McLaughlin – Approval was given for a home business (catering) with agreed limits on what business-related vehicles might be parked in driveway or curbside. It has since been observed that the installation of a commercial kitchen where the garage is now will reduce the garage capacity to fewer than 2 bays as required in the CC&Rs.
- Resin shed – 15831 67th Drive, previously ID’d, letter composed but not yet sent to owners.
- Landscapes in the vicinity of 6815 156th Street, resident concern over unkempt landscapes that do not get addressed because it’s a cul-de-sac where most yards are not well seen by those passing on 67th Drive. Steve asked that board members take a look and advise if letters are warranted.
- Lindblad – Complaint regarding extended curbside parking by neighbors. This is a chronic issue in other parts of the neighborhood as well.
- Election results – 100 ballots returned; we had a quorum.
- John Alleman – 88
- David Divoky - 88.
- Tanya Edwards – 86.
- Matt Hale – 90.
- Nicole Klages – 87.
- Bill Steenis – 89.
- Steve Yandl – 99.
- Jon Eggenberger – 1 (write in).
- Election of Officers – unanimous decision to retain the same officers and committee chars.
- Matt Hale – President
- Nicole Klages – Vice President
- Steve Yandl – Secretary and Treasurer
- David Divoky – Chair, Maintenance committee
- John Alleman and Steve Yandl – Co chairs of architectural control committee.
- Matt Hale raised the issue of flyers being affixed to mailbox (cluster box units). This is a violation of Postal regulations, against CC&Rs, looks sloppy and leaves behind tape residue that discolors and makes the boxes look horrible over time.
- We will try to get out a reminder in the next newsletter that this is against HOA and Post Office rules.
- To clean tape residue, manufacturer of cluster box units suggests a water soluble cleaner like Simple Green. If that does not work, a cleaner like Goo Gone can be used but should be wiped up right away to limit damage to powder coat on box.
- Tanya expressed concern that the new townhouse units being built to our NE might invite parking at the north terminus of 72nd Drive since there is a trail leading to 148th that makes it a short walk for visitors to those condos if they opt to park in our neighborhood.
- John pointed out we already have blatant illegal parking by park visitors who don’t look for the available parking at Willis Tucker and opt to block our bike lanes at the north terminus of Snohomish Cascade Drive. Steve suggested we might notify the sheriff and ask that tickets be given to get the message out.
Steve Yandl, Secretary