Because Governor Inslee ordered residents to stay at home in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting was conducted using Zoom, hosted by Steve Yandl. Members previously notified by first class mail.
Steve Yandl, Secretary
Because Governor Inslee ordered residents to stay at home in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting was conducted using Zoom, hosted by Steve Yandl. Members previously notified by first class mail.
- Matt Hale called the meeting to order at 7:04pm.
- All board members were present; Matt Hale, Steve Yandl, John Alleman, Nicole Klages, Bill Steenis, David Divoky, and Tanya Edwards. There was a quorum of board members. Also present were HOA members; Karen and Jerry Davis, Colin Ehli, Bill and Teresa Gowin, Greg McLaughlin, Susana Orozco, Elyce Newton, Max Makary, and Missy Alleman. There was not a quorum of members unless the board opted to use proxies.
- Minutes of the September 2020 meeting were reviewed and approved.
- Matt Hale presented opening comments with a summary of HOA activities and achievements in 2020.
- We completed the second year of a state mandated reserve analysis, currently available for review on the web site.
- We completed significant rehabilitation of our play areas. Cleanup, timber repair and added play chips were done at the small tot lot on 72nd Drive. At the boat park, the dilapidated boat toy was removed as was the climbing toy structure. The larger play area was cleaned up, French drains installed, fabric laid over a gravel base and 30 cubic yards of play chips applied. This area is ready for a community build of play equipment as soon as COVID-19 restrictions are eased.
- David Divoky led the effort to complete replacement of all cluster box (mailbox) units in the neighborhood.
- We have dealt with an increased volume of ACC requests.
- A hats-off given to Steve Yandl for being the HOA go to guy and providing institutional memory.
- Steve Yandl reported on current financial status.
- Currently $64,488 in the checking account (operational funds).
- There is $16,928 in the long-term reserve.
- We have $5,710 in operational reserve.
- Before receiving our professionally prepared reserve analysis, the plan was to transfer $62,075 from checking to the long-term reserve ($43,550 owed from previous years and current planned contribution of $18,525) and moving $13,390 to the operational reserve. Last month, the board approved attempting the recommended funding levels from the study which means a target in our reserve account of $106k. That will require $89k to be moved from checking to reserve. This will require that the $13,390 budgeted to go to the operational reserve will go to the capital reserve instead and reductions in the landscape improvements and landscape repairs budget lines.
- The 2021 proposed budget is not finalized. Per previous negotiations with Skinner Landscape Inc, we will have a 3% increase for the maintenance contract. Hopefully insurance costs will remain the same. To restore our reserves, we should also increase contribution to the reserve account but with financial anxiety of many members because of COVID-19 impacts, we will trim expenses wherever possible to keep the annual assessment at $450 for another year.
- Updated reserve analysis is complete and posted on the web site. Steve Yandl provided a brief explanation of the reserve fund; details can be found in the analysis posted online.
- Our audit of 2019 finances still need to be done. Our bookkeeper is likely not ready because they have mostly been working from home. An annual audit is mandated by state law so we will do our utmost to help the bookkeeper organize records and work with the auditor. The audit will be approximately a $4k cost.
- Colin Ehli inquired on who Skinner was. Steve Yandl explained he is our primary landscape contractor and paying his company generally is our largest expense.
- Missy Alleman inquired about moss and slippery surfaces at the boat park. Steve Yandl responded that there is a plan to do pressure washing at the park and eventually topcoat the asphalt in the parking area.
- Sprinklers have been shut down for the year. Skinner still needs to blow out the lines.
- Repair has been completed on the parcel lock for one of the parcel box units (new unit, repair by post office at no cost to us).
- Skinner contract being renewed with a 3% increase.
- Increase in requests for the HOA to handle trees that owners consider hazardous. Steve Yandl shared a specific concern raised by a neighbor on an alder that had fallen into their yard shortly after they had put up new fencing. Homeowner was looking for HOA help in the cost of tree cleanup and possibly fence repair. Generally, a tree that was not assessed and declared hazardous by a certified arborist is cleaned up by the person owning the land where the tree lands and their insurance company will assist of the house or other major structures were damaged. In this instance, the board wasn’t interested in setting a precedent by cleaning up a fallen tree that had not previously been identified as hazardous.
- Tanya Edwards spoke about the status of the climbing toy replacement at the boat park. The area is prepped for install and we can observe how well the new drains work over the wet season. Once COVID-19 restrictions are eased, a community build project will be organized. Toys have been selected and a contractor identified, we just need to be able to do a safe community build.
- Homeowner request for projects.
- Almstead – Paint scheme approved.
- McKenzie – Paint scheme approved.
- Dunlap – Paint scheme approved.
- Noorfeshan – Approval granted to replace a flower bed near the house front entrance with a concrete slap.
- McLaughlin – Pickup times for Paella house shifted earlier in response to shorter days and earlier hours of darkness. Proposed change was approved.
- Complaints, CC&R violations
- Abukhder – Letter sent on yard condition and metal shed. Weeding of the yard has been addressed.
- Vaught – Letter sent on boat trailer parking. Situation remedied.
- Honeycutt – Letter sent on utility trailer parking. Situation remedied.
- Reynolds – Letter sent on boat parking in driveway. Situation remedied.
- Soon we will have complaints and approvals accessible for review by the board via Smartsheet.
- Open forum for member comments, suggestions, questions.
- Elyce Newton had reviewed some information on the website suggesting that it was possible to rent your home in Sector 2A, contrary to what she had previously understood. Steve Yandl explained that the CC&Rs do provide some latitude for the board to allow a rental but only in cases of severe hardship. The rules of the ACC had been modified to provide guidance if such approval were given but basically rentals would not be allowed under typical circumstances.
- Steve Yandl commented that we need to strive to keep so many signs from being taped to our mailboxes and then abandoned by the individuals placing those signs.
Steve Yandl, Secretary