7 P.M. TUESDAY MAY 4, 2021
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, meeting conducted using Zoom
Steve Yandl, Secretary
7 P.M. TUESDAY MAY 4, 2021
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, meeting conducted using Zoom
- Matt Hale called the meeting to order a 7:00pm. Present on Zoom conference were board members Matt Hale, Steve Yandl, John Alleman, Tanya Edwards Bill Steenis, Nicole Klages and David Divoky. There was a quorum of board members. Also present were HOA members Jen Stout, Colin Ehli, Karen and Jerry Davis, Susana Orozco (phone) and ‘425-516-8846’. There was not a quorum of members present but sufficient proxies available for a quorum.
- Matt Hale provided some general information on the HOA and the board for the benefit of members not on the board.
- Minutes of the April 2021 meeting were reviewed and approved.
- Steve Yandl reported on current financial status.
- Currently $105,029 in the checking account (operational funds).
- There is $16,934 in the long-term reserve.
- We have $5,711 in operational reserve.
- The amount already spent on new toys for the boat park added to the $11.5k for installation of those toys is slightly more than was due to the reserve fund from operational fund. Consequently, there will be no further transfer to the reserve.
- We have 3 members still owing 2021 assessments a small number who short paid and owe small (less than $10) amounts, but collections went well this year.
- The next reserve analysis will adjust for the accelerated replacement of mailboxes and our new play equipment. The replacement costs and longevity of fence and irrigation system will be carefully evaluated so we can be sure to have reserves appropriately funded.
- Bank statements are regularly shared with board members. Steve Yandl informed other HOA members that they were welcome to review any and all bank statements to see how their money was being spent and where.
- David Divoky has been unable to pressure wash graffiti off the rocks at the boat park because irrigation system leaks needed to be repaired before we could turn the water main at the boat park back on for the season. David will move forward as soon as practical once water is back on.
- Installation of the new play equipment has commenced. Tanya Edwards gave a bit of history and a progress report.
- Including tax, the equipment delivered to the site will cost $33,452 and installation by professionals (not a community build as we had been attempting) would be $11,482. The decision was made to scrap the community build and take advantage of these discounted prices to have the installation done professionally while staying within budget.
- The community was asked to remove play chips in advance of the installers arriving. Several families helped, but Tanya’s husband Will did the majority of chip removal. Thanks to all who contributed to the effort. Tanya will be recruiting to have a work party return the chips once toy installation is complete.
- There were some minor glitches to work out such as having water available for the contractor to mix concrete but so far, the installation is going well. The equipment looks good, and Tanya feels the neighborhood will be quite happy with the playground when it is complete.
- The main line break in the irrigation system that caused a delay in turning water back on at the boat park also highlighted the potential for expensive problems with our entire irrigation system. Adjustments to our reserve fund may be required to make certain we can deal with any future expensive repairs when they are needed.
- Homeowner request for projects. For more detail, see Smartsheet.
- Riehl – Tree removal – approved.
- Sinha – House paint color – approved.
- Scott – Parking during interior project – approved.
- Stout – Variance for school bus (decommissioned) – not approved, being appealed to the board at this meeting.
- Harrigan – Shed inquiry.
- Dobbins – Shed inquiry.
- Kassebaum – Deck inquiry.
- McLaughlin – Discussion on new language for Paella House variance and limits for parking of a new business associated trailer.
- Complaints and Violations.
- No violations this period.
- Note that we have only imposed a fine once in the past two years.
- Stout family appeal of the ACC decision to deny them a variance to store their new vehicle (decommissioned school bus) on their property but screened behind the six foot fence.
- Matt Hale prefaced the discussion by saying this was a time to hear the Stout’s position and ask questions. The final decision would be made at a special board meeting, the time of that meeting is yet to be decided.
- Stouts plan to convert the vehicle to an RV and asks that it be considered an RV by the HOA.
- The decals should be removed, and bright color replaced with something more subdued soon.
- Conversion to an RV should be completed by early July.
- Stouts offered to replace the blue tarp currently screening the front portion of the bus with a full RV cover.
- Steve Yandl shared a communication from a neighbor living across the street, Stephen Randolph. He can plainly see the parked vehicle and has no objection. The adjacent neighbor is also okay with the presence of the vehicle although he was not present to deliver that message himself.
- Board members expressed concerns with the precedent set if we allow what appears to be a commercial vehicle to be stored on a lot. The DOL may assign a use category of ‘Passenger Vehicle’ to the equipment but to most observers who see it parked on the lot it seems like a school bus.
- The plan is for Jamie Stout to tour the country in the RV during her break year between HS and college and that adventure is planned to commence in August.
- Spring election, vote for directors on the board. Roughly 50 ballots have already been received. Ballots will be accepted until the end of May. It is anticipated we will have a quorum. The new board of directors will vote in new officers and appoint people to committees at the June board meeting.
- Plans for property management continuity.
- John Alleman reported out some initial market research which indicates a financial only model would be about $1,000 per month and a full management model would be about $2,500 per month.
- We would probably be looking at a hybrid model.
- Whichever way we go, this will likely require an increase in dues. More investigation needs to be done but assessments should be adjusted in anticipation of the change rather than wait for Steve Yandl to stop doing the job for whatever reason and not having funds on hand without raiding reserves.
- Matt Hale opened the meeting for questions or comments from members.
- David Divoky asked about our lack of enforcement about basketball hoops left on the sidewalk. No votes were taken but several board members committed to having conversations with chronic offenders to see if we can’t stay somewhat flexible but still maintain pedestrian safety and preserve the neighborhood appearance.
- Karen Davis inquired whether we would get back to putting out the quarterly newsletter. Steve Yandl responded that once COVID-19 restrictions were lifted and provided Karen and Jerry were still willing to handle the printing and mailing component, that was the plan. The newsletter is a bit of work but it is a great tool that decreases the routine inquiries to the board by keeping the membership informed on current happenings or changes.
Steve Yandl, Secretary