Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting conducted using Zoom
Steve Yandl, Assistant Secretary
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting conducted using Zoom
- Matt Hale called the meeting to order at 7:04.
- Board members present (Zoom conference) were Matt Hale, Steve Yandl, John Alleman, Bill Steenis, Tanya Edwards, David Divoky, and Nicole Klages. This was a quorum.
- The minutes of the June 2021 meeting were unanimously approved without change.
- Changes made to officer and committee assignments, all approved unanimously.
- Nicole Klages will become secretary effective this meeting and prepare the meeting minutes moving forward. Steve Yandl will be assistant secretary and remain treasurer.
- John Alleman will take over as chair of the architectural control committee with Bill Steenis and Steve Yandl remaining as members of the committee.
- David Divoky and Tanya Edwards will co-chair the maintenance committee beginning immediately.
- A raise in annual assessment will likely be required to provide adequate on hand funding when a transition is made to using a property management company for some HOA management functions.
- We could increase dues as much as $90 per year (20% increase) without putting it to a vote of the entire membership.
- Resurrect mailed newsletter.
- Steve Yandl will resume but asks for input.
- We still need to contact Karen and Jerry Davis to make sure they’re able to help with the bulk mailing.
- It won’t be a monthly or quarterly newsletter, just the neighborhood newsletter and it will come out often enough to keep members of key information.
- Account status
- Operations (checking) - $81,716.
- Operational reserve (money market) - $5,711
- Reserve fund (long term reserve held in CD) - $16,936
- Bank statements previously distributed to board for review.
- Need to raise dues for 2022 should be considered. This would be to increase the contribution to our reserve fund and create a reserve in preparation for hiring a property management company to help with some HOA management (chiefly financial such as collecting assessments and paying invoices). Per the CC&Rs, we could raise dues by as much as 20% (+$90) by vote of the board of directors.
- Preparation for audit of 2020 finances is increasing.
- A payment of $400 was made to homeowner Jesse Moore who had a positive balance. This resulted because the year he moved to the subdivision, the escrow company paid dues owed plus dues for an additional year and then dues were also received from Jesse that subsequent year.
- The ongoing debt for nonpayment from one family is being treated as bad debt. We continue to track what is actually owed and will attempt to collect when the house is sold or before, but the situation makes it unlikely that more aggressive collection measurers would produce results. Specific information is available to any member who wants (as per the CC&Rs) but to protect their privacy the names of the family are not being shown in these minutes. There is a recorded lien in place.
- David Divoky reports that he has the graffiti remover we approved and will attempt to clean the rocks at the boat park this coming weekend and report back to the board.
- Tanya Edwards will be ordering sufficient play chips to add 6 inches depth to the play area at the boat park and the tot area on 72nd Drive. Steve Yandl provided the phone number for Bark King as a possible option to blow chips in at a reasonable price (estimate around $3k).
- Possible broken sprinkler head near home plate at the boat park was reported. Will ask Skinner to check on this.
- Tanya Edwards wants to begin researching options for replacing play structures at the 72nd tot drive area so we have appropriate cost information in the reserve analysis and make any needed adjustments to current and future budgets. Steve Yandl reminded Tanya that we still need an invoice from the Landscape Structures company that did the boat park work (0 balance owed invoice since it is paid in full).
- John Alleman reported. Details of situation mentioned below are tracked in Smartsheets.
- Project requests, approvals, and issues.
- Schenk – House paint approved.
- Holtgeerts – greenhouse.
- Pelroy – house paint approved.
- Umetsu – Patio cover approved.
- Kunst – house paint approved.
- Patterson – Roof replacement, fence and back yard turf – approved
- Hanson – Roof approved.
- Schmidt – house paint approved.
- Cannon = Roof – approved, variance granted for a slate substitute synthetic.
- Vahldeck – Home business, Etsy request approved.
- Almstead – Irrigation system and landscape work approved.
- Vandersanden – regrading, alteration of fence approved.
- Gowin – repainting of front door approved.
- CC&R violation issues.
- No problems sufficient to send letters since the last month.
- The school bus (RV?) remains on the Stout property. The variance expires at the end of August.
- Plans for contracting with a property management company updated by John Alleman.
- John proposed that we wait until annual assessments are mostly collected for 2022 so we have continuity of money collection.
- Agree in principle. No vote taken but no objections raised.
- Tanya Edwards proposed that we add gravel to the trail that traverses between Snohomish Cascade Drive and 72nd Drive. She will check on options.
- David Divoky proposed that we find ways to educate board members and community members on CC&Rs.
Steve Yandl, Assistant Secretary