Tuesday, June 7, 2022
This meeting was on Zoom.
John Alleman, Secretary
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
This meeting was on Zoom.
- Board President, Matt Hale called the meeting to order at 7:04.
- Board members present (Zoom conference) were Matt Hale, Bill Steenis, Tanya Edwards, David Divoky and John Alleman. This was a quorum.
- The minutes of the May 2022 meeting were reviewed. The decision to defer the annual membership meeting was erroneously recorded as September 2022 when it should have been October 2022. The board changed this to October 2022 and approved the amended minutes unanimously. The amended minutes from May 2022 have been recorded.
- As a reminder, we deferred the annual meeting to October 2022 last month because of Steve’s continued absence. We all hope he is back soon!
- Steve was not present due to ongoing medical issues and convalescence. John has been filling in for Steve as treasurer with the scope of coverage limited to paying bills, making deposits, and answering title queries associated with home sale closings.
- The treasurer’s report numbers were not available at the time of the meeting. The account status will be provided as an addendum to the minutes at a later date.
- No spending out of the ordinary other than routine bills (Snohomish County PUD, Waste Management, Silver Lake Water, etc.).
- The Boat Park ground is still saturated with water due to the historically wet May weather and Skinner Landscaping has been limited in their ability to complete the work there due to equipment wheels sinking too far into the ground. This is likely due to the persistent drainage issue that has not been addressed. Tanya has indicated maybe there other work items besides mowing that can be attended to at the Boat Park.
- Skinner has not yet replaced the broken backflow preventer. The maintenance committee has agreed to inform Skinner Landscaping to move forward with the repair.
- Matt indicated that he has asked Skinner Landscaping to rebid the common areas maintenance contract in August for review at the September board meeting – the current contract expires at the end of 2022. Matt has indicated we’d like a service level agreement (SLA). David stated he would draft an SLA for review by the maintenance committee.
- Following the adjudication of the tree removal in the association-maintained buffer adjacent to the Paullin’s home, the topic of tree removal in spaces owned and maintained by the association which are adjacent to homeowner’s property was discussed.
- In March 2022 we set a policy of: A certified arborist needs to assess the tree at the request of the homeowner. Based upon the judgment of the arborist, the maintenance committee then would consider the tree removal on a case basis of whether, or not, the association would share in the costs for removal.
- This has been further modified to include: The arborist shall be an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist with the Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (ISA TRAQ).
- Bill has suggested we reach out to an attorney to determine what the HOA’s responsibility is for trees in common areas adjacent to homeowner’s property.
- Matt suggested that we have the homeowner pay for the arborist’s assessment. Note: This is consistent county’s hazardous tree removal guidance.
- In March 2022 we set a policy of: A certified arborist needs to assess the tree at the request of the homeowner. Based upon the judgment of the arborist, the maintenance committee then would consider the tree removal on a case basis of whether, or not, the association would share in the costs for removal.
- John Patterson sent an email regarding 12” wide by 24” deep holes adjacent to a pipeline vault on the path from 72nd Drive to Boat Park NGPA (adjacent to Hilgeman’s residence). John Alleman and John Patterson surveyed the issue on 6/3/2022. John Alleman proposed we fill in the holes with some 3/8” crushed gravel and use some of the extra to spread along the path. Total materials cost should be held to about $100.
- John Alleman reported. Details mentioned below are tracked in Smartsheets.
- ACC Requests, approvals, and issues:
- Christiansen – Fence replacement; Approved.
- Bigby – Repaint the house exterior; Approved.
- Hines – Repaint the house exterior; Approved.
- Penoyer – Repaint the house exterior; Approved.
- Christiansen – Fence replacement; Approved.
- Rules violations:
- Blanchett – Boat on trailer parked in driveway more than 72 hours. Warning letter sent. Phone conversation between John Alleman and Steve Blanchett with resolution of boat gone by 5/27/2022.
- Blanchett – Boat on trailer parked in driveway more than 72 hours. Warning letter sent. Phone conversation between John Alleman and Steve Blanchett with resolution of boat gone by 5/27/2022.
- See tree removal issue in the maintenance committee notes.
- None.
John Alleman, Secretary