The 2025 annual assessment is well underway and as of January 17 we are nearly 50% complete which is well ahead of our pace from this time last year! The option for credit card payment is available with a $16 fee. Send an email request to [email protected] and you will be sent an electronic invoice with a secure payment link.
We have an opening on the board of directors with the impending departure of Steve Potts. Thanks for your service to the association Steve! Have a say in how your neighborhood is managed and directed into the future. If there's interest, please send an email to [email protected] or contact Steve Yandl on the Gold Creek Peeps Facebook group.
There are a variety of maintenance projects going on in our common areas. You all may have noticed some rumblings of machinery in our common areas recently. We are in the process of removing about 10 diseased birch trees along Snohomish Cascade and having the stumps ground down to below ground level. The same providers will grind down the stumps from about 15 trees removed about 4 years ago.
At a much smaller level, the maintenance committee has inspected 23 out of 24 combined box unit (CBU) mailboxes to determine if the parcel door return springs need to be replaced. Thus far, 20 springs have been replaced. We received the replacement spring kits from the CBU manufacturer as part of a warranty claim and the labor has been provided by our own Matt Hale. Also in the works are: 1. Seeding over the infield at the Boat Park baseball field. In light that most organized baseball games now take place at Will Tucker Regional Park, and the inability to obtain the required clay sand infield mix, it was unanimously decided to add the necessary new irrigation sprinkler heads to the infield and prep it for grass seed. The intent is to have the outfield lawn extend into the infield and expand the entire area into a common play field adaptable to a wide variety of sports and activities. 2. There are some basic irrigation system repairs which need to be done to the sprinkler zone across the street from the Boat Park, which are mostly head replacements, and moving the controllers from below ground to mounted above ground. This is the very first phase in a multi-year project to upgrade the irrigation system to overcome some basic aging and bring the system to standard such we are in a better position to reduce our water usage with the use of modern irrigation equipment. 3. There are a handful of other smaller projects which require some volunteer help such as refurbishing the wooden benches and pressure washing at the Boat Park. Contact our maintenance committee chair, Steve Potts ([email protected]) for suggestions or how to get involved. The ballots for the 2024 GC2A Board election and Annual Meeting announcement have gone out in the mail. Be on the lookout for them and return as soon as you can.
The ballot also contains a message from the Maintenance Committee: --- The main expenses for our HOA are the costs of maintaining or improving the common areas, particularly those that are landscaped. We also have to fund a reasonable reserve to save for large projects such as the Snohomish Cascade fence, cut down hazardous trees, or deal with other safety issues on common area property. As your volunteer HOA Board, we strive to balance the desire to maintain the value of our collective investment and holding down the annual expenditure that each home owner contributes without any special assessments. With our HOA nearing its 30th birthday, our common areas are showing their age. And, as we look to the future, we recognize that the values that our community holds has evolved in many cases shifting how we would like to see our common areas used and maintained. To that end, we want to hear from you. • What would you like us to consider in how we maintain our properties? • What would you like to see as we think about the future of our parks? • Are you willing to participate in periodic work parties that would help hold down HOA costs? Please send us an email with your thoughts to: [email protected] or add notes to the back of this ballot. --- Visit our website for more information and updates ( The website also contains the monthly board minutes under the Records tab. The 2024 Sector 2A at Snohomish Cascade Association membership meeting is scheduled for 7PM, May 7, 2024 at the Totem Falls Elementary School library. The formal announcement will be sent via mail to all members.
If there are any particular topics to discuss on how to make the neighborhood better, or just general questions, this is the time to meet face-to-face with the members of the board and make your voice heard. The 2024 Sector 2A at Snohomish Cascade Association membership meeting is planned for May 7, 2024. We are trying to secure space at the Totem Falls Elementary School library for an evening (7pm) meeting. The formal announcement will be sent via mail to all members.
If there are any particular topics to discuss on how to make the neighborhood better, or just general questions, this is the time to meet face-to-face with the members of the board and make your voice heard. The 2024 annual assessment is underway. Paper invoices and ballots have been sent out. Payment is due before February 2, 2024, but we allow an additional 1-month grace period, which means payment must be received with the treasurer by March 2, 2024. Please return those ballots too!
This year, we're offering to take cards for payment, but full disclosure: our payment provider service charges a 2.6% per card fee, which we pass on as a $15.00 service charge. If you’d like to pay by card, send an email with the name of the person paying and the invoice number on your paper invoice to [email protected]. |
AuthorJohn Alleman Archives
January 2025
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Sector 2a at Snohomish Cascade Association | announcements |